RSS’s support to the government on same-sex marriage: Said- marriage ceremony, not contract; Rahul’s average attendance in Lok Sabha is less

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  • Dainik Bhaskar News Headlines; Rahul Gandhi, Anurag Thakur Same Sex Marriage

2 hours agoAuthor: Shubhendu Pratap Bhoomandal, News Brief Editor

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has supported the central government’s stand on same sex marriage. The government is against legalizing same-sex marriage. At the Akhil Bhartiya Pratinidhi Sabha in Panipat, RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale said that marriage can happen only between the opposite gender. Marriage is a sacrament in Indian culture. It is not a contract or a thing for two people to enjoy.

On the other hand, Union Minister Anurag Thakur questioned the absence of Rahul Gandhi in the Lok Sabha. Also targeted his statement in London. Thakur said, “The attendance of Congress MPs in the Lok Sabha is less than the average attendance of MPs and they go abroad and say that they are not allowed to speak.” This is an insult to the country. He should come to Parliament and apologise.

Today’s major events, which will be watched

  1. Lalu, Rabri and Misa Bharti produced in Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court in the Land for Jobs case.
  2. The match between UP Warriors and Royal Challengers Bangalore in WPL.

Big news, which will keep you updated…

1. RSS said – Marriage is possible only in opposite sex, agrees with government’s stand on same sex marriage

Sangh Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale (left) and Sunil Ambekar during a press conference in Panipat on Tuesday.

RSS has taken the side of the central government on same sex marriage. RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale said that marriage can happen only between the opposite gender. On the other hand, the Supreme Court has handed over the petitions demanding legal recognition to the same sex marriage to the constitutional bench.

A 5-judge constitutional bench will hear it on April 18. However, the Center says that every citizen of the country has the right to love and express it. No one is interfering with that right, but that doesn’t mean they should be given the go-ahead to get married.
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2. Action will be taken against 9 officers in PM’s security lapse, file reached to CM of Punjab
Action will be taken against 9 officers in connection with the lapse in the security of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Punjab on January 5 last year. These include 8 police officers including an IAS and the then DGP. Despite the protocol, the then DGP of Punjab Siddharth Chattopadhyay did not reach the spot.

According to the Chief Secretary of Punjab, ‘Looking at the seriousness of the matter, the state government is going to charge sheet these officers.’ The committee headed by retired Justice Indu Malhotra held these officers responsible for the security lapse. The file has been sent to CM Bhagwant Mann for further action.
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3. Anurag Thakur said – Rahul comes less in Parliament, Congress said – not Rahul, government should apologize

Union Minister Anurag Thakur said that Rahul Gandhi is not leaving any chance to humiliate India. They rarely come to the House and go abroad and say that they are not allowed to speak. On the other hand, Congress MP and leader of the party in the Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary said that the government does not want to run the Parliament.

Adhir Ranjan said, ‘Has it ever been seen that all the members of the ruling party create ruckus to stop the Parliament? Why should Rahul Gandhi apologize? Center should apologise. On the other hand, Shashi Tharoor said – BJP has started such discussions abroad, not Congress.
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4. No additional compensation to Bhopal gas victims, SC said – 6 times compensation has been given
The Supreme Court rejected the central government’s demand for providing additional compensation to the Bhopal gas victims. Describing the compensation fixed in the year 1989 as insufficient, the Central Government appealed for an additional compensation of 7800 crores. The court, however, noted that almost six times more compensation has already been given to the victims. It was the responsibility of the Center to meet the shortfall in compensation.

SC said- Union Carbide Corporation cannot be burdened with more compensation. Earlier, the Central Government had said in the petition – The Supreme Court had fixed the compensation keeping in mind more than one lakh victims in 1989, but as time passed, the number of gas victims has increased. In such a situation, the damages should also increase.
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5. Russian fighter jet shot down American drone over Black Sea, Russia said – the allegation is wrong

MQ-9 Reaper drones are equivalent to a full size aircraft, they are designed for surveillance at high altitude.

MQ-9 Reaper drones are equivalent to a full size aircraft, they are designed for surveillance at high altitude.

A Russian fighter jet shot down an American high-tech Reaper drone flying over the Black Sea. US Air Force officials said that the Reaper was on routine patrol in the area. Two Russian Sukhoi-27 aircraft tried to intercept it. A fighter jet attacked the propeller of the drone.

After this the drone crashed in the Black Sea. Although Russia has denied this. Russia says that the drone crashed due to its own fault. According to the New York Times, the drone took off for surveillance from the Romania base. Romania is a neighboring country of Ukraine.
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News but aside…

32 pull-ups in 1 minute by hanging from a helicopter, Armenian athlete sets Guinness World Record

Hamjasp Loyan, an athlete from Armenia, has set a Guinness World Record. Loyan did 32 pull-ups in one minute while hanging from a helicopter in his country’s capital, Yerevan. Loyan has broken the record of his own country’s Roman Sahradian. Sahradian holds the record for 23 pull-ups in one minute.

Sahradian made this record in November 2022. Loyan worked hard to make this record his name. He took training from Roman Sahradian, the previous Guinness World Record holder, and later broke his own record. Read full news…

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