Row over Assam board’s plan to use last year’s question papers | Guwahati News – Times of India

GUWAHATI: The decision of the Board of Secondary Education Assam (Seba) to conduct the Class X examination using the question papers of 2021 since they were not used because of the pandemic, has triggered widespread criticism in state political and academic circles.
The question papers were not used as the board examination was cancelled due to the pandemic in 2021. The opposition Congress and the All Assam Students’ Union (Aasu) have accused the government and the state board of harassing students mentally just before the onset of the exams in the middle of March.
Assam PCC president Bhupen Kumar Borah termed it a reckless decision, with less than one week left for the commencement of the examination. Over four lakh students are registered to appear in the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) and Assam High Madrassa (AHM) examinations. “It’s a ridiculous proposition that last year’s exam papers will be used to cut down on costs. This is unacceptable,” said Borah.
He pointed out that the question papers were prepared on a 30% curtailed syllabus. “This year, they are saying the examination will be based on a 40% curtailed syllabus, which means there will be a gap of 10%. Students will get misled,” he said.
Aasu president Dipanka Kumar Nath asked, “How will the 2021 question papers be used in 2022? It seems Seba wants to mentally torture the students every year. The ultimate motive may be to encourage them to pursue education under other boards. We condemn it,” said Nath.
Seba officials said last year the question papers were set by considering a 40% curtailed syllabus. “The portion of the syllabus from which the students will face the questions remains the same. So why worry,” asked a Seba official.
Students and academia were shocked when on Monday they saw a Seba notification saying that theory papers of HSLC and AHM examinations would be conducted using the question papers and answer booklets printed in 2021, wherever possible.
“As Seba did not conduct the HSLC/AHM Examinations in the year 2021 in the manner conducted during the pre-Covid-19 period, the Question Papers and Answer Booklet prepared in the year 2021 remained unutilized, and are being used for the year 2022, to avoid misuse of natural resources,” read the notification.