Rishi Sunak Won’t Serve in UK Govt Under Liz Truss? Tory Leader Says ‘Don’t Want to End up in a Situation…’

With a few days left for the UK’s Conservative Party leadership election, contender Rishi Sunak has given an indication that he would not serve in the government if he loses the British PM race against Conservative rival Liz Truss. This response came after several UK media reports claimed that the 42-year-old UK-born Indian-origin Tory MP is expected to serve under the Truss-led government if he loses the fight.

Speculation is rife about Sunak’s future as another poll showed Truss with an unassailable lead among Tory members in the race for UK Prime Minister, according to a media report.

Speaking to BBC Radio 2 on Monday, the former chancellor Sunak was quoted as saying, “One thing I have reflected on quite a bit being in government, in the cabinet the last few years — you really need to agree with the big things. Because it’s tough, as I found out when you don’t and I wouldn’t want to end up in a situation like that again.”

When asked about the UK reports claiming him to be a “potential health secretary under Truss”, Sunak, who is expected to lose the contest, was quoted as saying, “I am not focused on all of that, and I doubt Liz is. I am not thinking about jobs for me or anyone else.”

While addressing a gathering of British Indian Conservative Party members who are voting in the polls to elect between him and Truss, the Tory MP for Richmond in Yorkshire on Tuesday vowed to get the country through the difficult times of inflation and build a better, safer Britain.

In this gathering, Sunak’s self-proclaimed underdog status as the candidate trailing in all the polls seemed irrelevant as he glided through the crowd rockstar-like and responded to comments of seeing you at No. 10 Downing Street with an emphatic: That’s the plan, I’m giving it everything I got.

The new Tory leader is set to be declared on September 5, after voting by an electorate from an estimated 180,000 Tory members across the UK closes on September 2. The newly elected leader is then expected to have an audience with the Queen and formally take charge with a speech at Downing Street soon after.

‘Could head straight to US’?

Some MPs have predicted that Sunak will opt to leave the Parliament if he loses the battle for Prime Minister, although allies insist he is “not going anywhere”, Daily Mail reported.

Senior Conservatives believe Sunak has “burned his boats” during the contest, due to come to a conclusion on September 5, and is unlikely to be offered a job he could accept, the report said.

Research by YouGov found Truss is backed by 66 per cent of party members, who are deciding the successor to Boris Johnson, who exited over the party gate scandal of Covid-19 lockdown law-breaching parties at Downing Street.

Sunak only has support from 34 per cent, excluding those who are not sure. Although the 32-point advantage is slightly smaller than was found a fortnight ago, just 13 per cent are now undecided and nearly six in 10 have already voted.

The survey also found widespread regret that Johnson is going — with 55 per cent saying it was wrong to force him to quit.

One former minister said the tone from the Sunak campaign had been “a lot more personal” recently, and there was no chance of him serving in a Truss government.

“I think he is finished from that perspective. I can see Cabinet positions being given to Suella (Braverman) and Kemi (Badenoch), but not Rishi (Sunak). I think he’s gone and burned his boats. He’s got plenty of opportunities should he be inclined to look elsewhere for gainful employment. I should have thought that is what he will do.”

They pointed out that Sunak has long-standing links to the US and Silicon Valley, having held a coveted green card, Daily Mail reported.

Another senior MP said Sunak could look for a career elsewhere, saying, “He’s got huge options”.

(with inputs from agencies)

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