Rishi Sunak: A quick guide to the UK’s next prime minister | Abp news

Rishi Sunak will take the charge as Britain’s first Indian-origin Prime Minister today after an audience with King Charles III. Sunak will be taking the charge a day after he was elected the new leader of the Conservative Party in a historic leadership run. His meeting with the 73-year old monarch will take place after outgoing Prime Minister Liz Truss will chair her final Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street on Tuesday morning before she makes her way to Buckingham Palace to formally tender her resignation to the King.

Following Truss’ meeting, Sunak, 42, will then arrive at the palace for his meeting with the King, who will formally anoint him as the UK’s new Prime Minister.

After taking the charge, the former Chancellor will make his first prime ministerial address on the steps of 10 Downing Street where he is expected to be joined by his wife Akshata Murty and daughters Krishna and Anoushka.