Retail Outlet Store Manager Booked For Theft Of Funds | Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurgaon: A store manager of a retail outlet manipulated the accounts to steal around Rs 1 lakh from the daily collection of the shop and took away some items for his personal use.
The store manager disappeared when the matter came to the notice of the company officials, police said.
Neeraj Saini, the store manager of Red Tape outlet in Sadar Bazaar, had allegedly misappropriated around Rs 1 lakh from the shop and also took several items over a period of time from the shop for his personal use. The matter came to light when the company checked the inventory and items available at the shop and total sale as part of the routine exercise.
During the checking there was a mismatch in the inventory available in the outlets and items which had been sold. Besides, there was some misappropriation of funds as well, officials said.
The company started an internal investigation and found the involvement of its store manager. Fearing to be caught, the suspect disappeared.
Komal Miglani from Red Tape said the store manager outlet committed fraud of Rs 1 lakh and took some items from the shop for his personal use. Based on the complaint a case was registered under Section 408 (criminal breach of trust by employee) of the IPC at City police station.
