Rescue of sisters locked in the house for one year: After the death of the parents in Panipat, the police entered through the roof; taken to hospital

Panipat21 minutes ago

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Panipat Police has admitted both the sisters to the Civil Hospital.

In Panipat, Haryana, the police have rescued both the sisters locked in the house for the last one year. After the death of the parents, both of them had locked themselves inside. Today the neighbors informed the police. The police personnel talked to him through the window, but he refused to open the door.

When both did not agree on persuasion, the police entered the house through the roof and both were taken out and brought to the hospital with the help of an ambulance. Doctors are treating him here.

In Panipat, the police rescued both the sisters locked in the house and took them to the hospital.

In Panipat, the police rescued both the sisters locked in the house and took them to the hospital.

Kamla, a resident of Kaistan Mohalla, told that she seems to be the aunt of both the girls. The elder daughter Sonia is 35 years old, while the younger daughter Chandni is 34 years old. His brother-in-law Dulichand died of cancer about 10 years ago. Whereas his sister-in-law Shakuntala had died of heart attack 5 years ago.

After the death of the parents, both the daughters worked in a private company. For the last 1 year both of them locked themselves inside.

Police officers talking to the girls locked in the house through the window.

Police officers talking to the girls locked in the house through the window.

Prasad is taken from the priest of the temple.
Kanhaiya Kaushik, the priest of the Shri Chitragupta temple built next to the house, told that only one of the two sisters talks to him. Never seen the other sister nor heard her voice. A sister says from the window that Pandit ji give the prasad.

When people go to give Prasad, langar etc. to her, she opens the door just a little and takes the prasad and closes it again. Nothing is visible inside the house, as the door is closed. At the same time, a young woman used to demand some food from the neighbors by calling out from the window. The street vendor also used to cut papaya or any other fruit into small pieces and hold it from under the window.

Two sisters double MA, mother was looking for relationship before death
Kamla told that when both the sisters started earning themselves, their communication with other family members had reduced. His coming and going had also reduced. Both sisters have studied up to double MA.

His mother was looking for a relationship for the marriage of both the daughters even two months before her death. At the same time, local residents told that one of the two sisters had injured her leg after falling some time back. Now an injury has also been reported in his spinal cord.

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