Requesting China To Share Data And Conduct Studies: WHO Chief Expresses Concern Over Covid Outb

New Delhi: World Health Organisation Chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday expressed his concern over the outbreak of Covid cases in China and said that China has been continuously called on to share the data and conduct the studies that have been requested from it. He further asserted that all hypotheses about the origins of this pandemic remain on the table.

“We continue to call on China to share the data and conduct the studies we have requested, and which we continue to request. As I have said many times before, all hypotheses about the origins of this pandemic remain on the table”, WHO chief Dr. Tedros as saying in a tweet. Dr. Tedros further said that the gaps in the understanding of post-Covid 19 conditions mean that we did not understand how best to treat people suffering from the long-term consequences of infection.

“Gaps in our understanding of post-#COVID19 condition mean we don’t understand how best to treat people suffering with the long-term consequences of infection; -Gaps in our understanding of how this pandemic began to compromise our ability to prevent future pandemics,” the WHO chief said. During the media briefing, he further said that there are still too many uncertainties and gaps for us to say the pandemic is over.

“However, there are still too many uncertainties and gaps for us to say the pandemic is over: -Gaps in surveillance, testing, and sequencing mean we do not understand well enough how the virus is changing,” Dr. Tedros said.

“-Gaps in vaccinations mean that millions of people remain at high risk of severe disease & death; -Gaps in treatment mean people are dying needlessly; -Gaps in health systems leave them unable to cope with surges in patients with #COVID19, flu & other diseases, he further said.

Who chief said we are in a much better place with the Covid 19 pandemic than we were a year ago. “Certainly, we are in a much better place with the #COVID19 pandemic than we were a year ago when we were in the early stages of the Omicron wave, with rapidly increasing cases and deaths,” Dr, Tedros said.

Dr. Tedros also said that as 2022 is coming to an end there are many reasons for hope. “And yet, as 2022 draws to a close, we still have many reasons for hope. The #COVID19 pandemic has declined significantly this year, the global #mpox outbreak is waning, and there have been no cases of #Ebola in 🇺🇬 for more than three weeks,” he said.