Republic Day Parade: Armies showed valor at Rajpath, Air Force showed valor in the sky, Modi bids retirement to President’s bodyguard horse Virat

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  • Republic Day Parade 2022 LIVE; Delhi Rajpath | 73rd Gantantra Diwas Celebrations Latest Photos Video Updates On Rajpath Republic Day Parade

6 hours ago

Today the country is celebrating the 73rd Republic Day. The nation presented a mega show of bravery and culture at Rajpath. The armies showed their might and the tableaux of different states spread their cultural colors. Prime Minister Narendra Modi first paid tribute to the martyrs by reaching the War Memorial. After this, he welcomed President Ram Nath Kovind at Rajpath.

Following the national anthem and a 21-gun salute, the President posthumously presented the Ashok Chakra to Babu Ram, ASI of the Jammu and Kashmir Police. His wife Rita Rani took the highest peacetime gallantry medal.

The parade lasted for about 90 minutes on the Rajpath. In this, the armies showed a picture of women coming forward. Women officers of Navy, Air Force and Army units saluted the tricolor. Lt Manisha Bohra led the All Male Contingent. Earlier, she has also done this on Army Day. She is also the first woman to lead the All Male Army Ordnance Regiment.

75 aircraft flew in mega flypast
A mega fly past of 75 aircraft was done in the parade. During this, the pilots sitting in the cockpit also streamed it live. Rafale aircraft also roared over the Rajpath and Dhruv helicopters hoisted the tricolor in the sky. 5 Rafale fighter jets took off in the Vinash formation. 75 aircrafts has done mega flypast for the first time. This was done as a symbol of the nectar festival of independence.

Modi bids farewell to the special horse
Soon after the parade, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a walk on the Rajpath. He greeted the people who came to the parade. Modi also met people who were part of the President’s bodyguard on the occasion. During this he also met bodyguard horse Virat. This horse of the bodyguard is retiring today. Modi and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh bid farewell to Virat for retirement.

Modi appeared in a special outfit
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to the martyrs at the War Memorial. After this he reached Rajpath, where he welcomed President Ram Nath Kovind. The National Anthem was followed by a 21-gun salute and the parade began with floral showers from 4 Mi-17V5 helicopters. In the parade, the Indian armies showed a glimpse of their strength, while the cultural tableaux of different states spread their colors. During this, Narendra Modi appeared in a special outfit. He was wearing a Uttarakhandi cap with Brahma Kamal. Click to read full news…

10 big changes seen this time on Republic Day
This time on Republic Day, many traditions were not part of the celebrations. The parade started half an hour late. For the second time in a row, no foreign guest came. Only fully vaccinated people participated in the parade. Troops of the armies were seen parading in the uniforms of the 50s, 60s and 70s. Click here to read full news…

Special Glimpses of Republic Day Parade in PHOTOS…

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paying homage to the martyrs at Warmemorial.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paying homage to the martyrs at Warmemorial.

Prime Minister Modi welcoming President Ram Nath Kovind at Rajpath.

Prime Minister Modi welcoming President Ram Nath Kovind at Rajpath.

A 21-gun salute was given at the time of the national anthem at Rajpath.

A 21-gun salute was given at the time of the national anthem at Rajpath.

ASI Babu Ram of Jammu and Kashmir Police was awarded the Ashok Chakra posthumously.  His wife Rita Rani received it from the President.

ASI Babu Ram of Jammu and Kashmir Police was awarded the Ashok Chakra posthumously. His wife Rita Rani received it from the President.

Mi-17V5 helicopters laid wreath before the parade began.  After this the process of parade started.

Mi-17V5 helicopters laid wreath before the parade began. After this the process of parade started.

61 Cavalry was the first to be seen during the parade.  It is the only active Horse Cavalry regiment in the world.

61 Cavalry was the first to be seen during the parade. It is the only active Horse Cavalry regiment in the world.

The Centurion tank, which fought in the 1965 and 1971 wars against Pakistan, was seen on the Rajpath.

The Centurion tank, which fought in the 1965 and 1971 wars against Pakistan, was seen on the Rajpath.

A contingent of the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry paraded on the Rajpath.  It was led by Major Ritesh Tiwari.

A contingent of the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry paraded on the Rajpath. It was led by Major Ritesh Tiwari.

Lt Manisha Bohra led the All Male Contingent.

Lt Manisha Bohra led the All Male Contingent.

Rafale's first female fighter pilot Shivangi Singh appeared on the Air Force tableau.

Rafale’s first female fighter pilot Shivangi Singh appeared on the Air Force tableau.

The tableau of the Indian Navy was led by Lieutenant Preeti.  Together was Lieutenant Mayank.

The tableau of the Indian Navy was led by Lieutenant Preeti. Together was Lieutenant Mayank.

The tableau of Uttar Pradesh featured the Kashi-Viswanath corridor, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister recently.

The tableau of Uttar Pradesh featured the Kashi-Viswanath corridor, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister recently.

The tableau of Haryana got a glimpse of the sports there.  Along with this, the statue of javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who won the Olympic gold, was also seen.

The tableau of Haryana got a glimpse of the sports there. Along with this, the statue of javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who won the Olympic gold, was also seen.

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