Reached India after being released from Pakistan jail, police caught: youth said – used to hang upside down and beat, tortured for 6 months

Barmer33 minutes ago

Gemararam, who returned to India after being released from Pakistan’s jail after 27 months, told that there used to be fights by hanging upside down in Pakistani jails. Pakistan Rangers tortured me for 6 months. It was not known when the sun was rising and when it was setting. After this he was kept in Karachi jail. 700 Indians are lodged in that jail. Very upset. His condition is like crazy.

Here, the police arrested Gemaram as soon as he reached India. He is accused of rape. The youth was handed over to the Indian Army on February 14 at the Wagah-Attari border. Barmer police from Amritsar caught him and brought him on Saturday. Here he was produced in the court.

Gemaram told that I had crossed the barricade and went to Pakistan by mistake. Pak Rangers caught. Kept fighting with me for 6 months. They used to blindfold me. Used to ask – Why has he come here? Who sent Used to fight by hanging upside down. Used to beat very badly on the lower side of the hands and feet. Was kept with Indians in Karachi jail for 21 months. Indians in Pak jail are in bad condition. We used to say while crying that go to the media and tell about our condition. 700 Indians are lodged in that jail.

Gemararam had a love affair with a village girl.  Due to the fear of his family, he had gone across the border.

Gemararam had a love affair with a village girl. Due to the fear of his family, he had gone across the border.

Know- How Gemaram reached Pakistan

Gemaram is a resident of Kumharon ka Teeba, a village adjacent to the Indo-Pak border. Gemararam had an affair with a village girl. On the night of 4 November 2020, he went to his girlfriend’s house. Meanwhile, the family members of the girl woke up and saw her. Out of fear, he ran away from there. He didn’t know where he was running. Crossed the barricade and went to the border of Pakistan. Pak Rangers had caught him. He was lodged in Karachi jail.

There is also a missing record of Gemaram at Bijrad police station in Barmer. At the same time, in January 2021, the girl’s father has registered a case of rape against Gemararam in Bijrad police station.

Gemaram used to send letters to the family from Pakistan.

Gemaram used to send letters to the family from Pakistan.

When the letter came, I came to know that he is in Pak jail.

Gemaram crossed the barricade and went to Pakistan on 4 November 2020. After 14 months, Gemaram sent the letter for the first time along with 25 fishermen released from Pakistan. The fishermen were released from Karachi jail in January 2022. These fishermen were imprisoned along with Gemaram.

Gemaram gave him a letter on 23 January 2022. Jai Bharat was started in the letter. Told that I am fine here. You’ll be fine there too. Had asked about the condition of brothers and children including mother, father, grandfather, grandmother. Greetings with love to everyone and Ram-Ram was written. Apologized to the family. His relatives had been denying about Gemaram’s love affair, but he had mentioned in the letter that he loved the girl very much.

Gemaram used to send letters to his family members while he was in Karachi jail.  He used to apologize for his actions.

Gemaram used to send letters to his family members while he was in Karachi jail. He used to apologize for his actions.

Apologized, said- ‘I was angry that night’

In August 2022, the second letter was received through WhatsApp. In this Gamararam has written, ‘I am safe. Apologized and said, ‘I was angry that night and went across the border. Had slept a little further from the border at night. Woke up in the morning and went ahead, met a man in a field and he had dropped me off to the Pak Rangers. I was sent to jail. I am very upset thinking about you guys. My sentence is being served. I will be released from jail soon.

Father’s death due to son’s grief

Gemaram’s father Jugtaram was upset after going to Pakistan. Due to this he became ill. He died on November 2021 wanting to meet his son. Union Minister of State for Agriculture Kailash Chaudhary, former MP and Sainik Welfare Board President Manvendra Singh and RLP President Hanuman Beniwal lobbied for the release of Gemaram.

In the case of rape, Gemaram was taken from Amritsar to Barmer.  Then presented in the court.

In the case of rape, Gemaram was taken from Amritsar to Barmer. Then presented in the court.

The family was threatened to leave the village
After 11 months of the incident, Gemaram’s brother gave a report against the people of the villages in Bijrad police station. It was told in the report that 10-12 people are pressurizing us to vacate the village. Neighbors and villagers had said that it would not be right to vacate the village in 10 days, otherwise it would not be right. The people of the village had threatened that if the village was not vacated, they would burn the dhani.

Gemaram's family.  Father Jugtaram has died in the sorrow of his son.

Gemaram’s family. Father Jugtaram has died in the sorrow of his son.

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