rape of 4th class girl in school toilet

Bhopalone day before

A case of rape of a fourth class student has come to light in the government school of Kohefiza, a posh area of ​​Bhopal. This incident happened in the school toilet with an 8-year-old girl. In this case, the police has arrested the husband of a female employee who was sweeping the school while staying in the school. He has confessed his crime.

According to the police, the girl’s admission in the school took place only 6 days ago. The incident happened at 1:30 pm on Friday. The girl went to the bathroom during lunch time. Then the accused Laxminarayan Dhanak went after him and closed his eyes with his hand. Then picked him up and took him inside the bathroom. By pressing the girl’s mouth, he did wrong with her, then the accused fled.

identified by the yellow shirt
Seeing the girl crying, the children studying with her informed the teacher. The girl told the teacher that the uncle in the yellow shirt had taken her to the bathroom with her eyes closed. The police, who reached the information of the school staff, interrogated the school staff, only then it was found that the yellow shirt was wearing Laxmi Narayan. When the police searched, he could not be found, but after some time he was arrested.

Two bathrooms in school, moved to the new one
TI Vijay Sisodia told that the school is in the covered campus. There are two bathrooms inside the campus itself. All children use one. Children do not go to the new bathroom because it is dark. The victim was admitted recently so she didn’t know which bathroom to go to. She moved to the new one. The accused committed the crime by taking advantage of the darkness there.

CCTV cameras closed for two days
TI Vijay told that CCTV cameras are installed in the school. On checking all found closed. The school management said that the CCTV cameras were switched off two days ago due to water logging. The accused Laxminarayan is 26 years old and lives with his family in the school. He also has two children, son is about 5 years old and daughter is about 3 years old.

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