Rape accused Mirchi Baba’s lie caught from mobile: Said – was out on the day of the incident, police said – was only in Bhopal

Bhopal2 minutes ago

On Friday, the Mahila Police Station presented a charge sheet against Varagyanand Giri alias Mirchi Baba, lodged in Bhopal jail on charges of raping a woman. The 566-page chargesheet was presented in the court of Judge Pooja Pathak. In this, the allegations against Baba have been found to be true. The chargesheet includes the details of the testimony of 21 people, recovery of Bhabhut, Sabudana bullet, FSL report, call details.

The biggest evidence is the call details of Baba’s mobile. According to this, the location of Baba’s mobile was at the house of Minal Residency on the day of the incident, while Baba said that he was not in Bhopal that day. The mobile location of the victim was also found at Minal Residency. The DNA report has not been included in the challan. Police say that the report has not come yet. Here, Baba’s lawyer Shri Krishna Dhausela says that there are many flaws in the charge sheet.

Let us tell you that on August 8, 2022, a 28-year-old woman from Raisen had filed a case of rape, intimidation against Varagyanand alias Mirchi Baba. After this Mirchi Baba was arrested from Gwalior. Since then Baba is lodged in the Central Jail Bhopal.

414 page only call details
The police has presented the challan in 566 pages. Out of these, 414 pages are the call details of Baba’s phone. Police say that Baba had claimed that he was not in Bhopal on the day the woman is narrating the incident, whereas in the call details, the location of Baba’s mobile is in Minal Residency, Bhopal. The mobile location of the victim has also been found here.

Husband’s statement also included in the challan
The police have also included the statements of the victim’s husband in the challan. In this he has reiterated the allegations made by his wife. He told that the wife was telling her Guru Bhai Ankit Singhal about Baba’s misdeeds, only then he had listened to the wife. After this he had driven his wife out of the house. Later, when I learned that Baba had done wrong to his wife, I felt very sad.

On 8 August 2022, a 28-year-old woman from Raisen had filed a case of rape, intimidation against Vairagyananand alias Mirchi Baba.  After this Mirchi Baba was arrested from Gwalior.

On 8 August 2022, a 28-year-old woman from Raisen had filed a case of rape, intimidation against Vairagyananand alias Mirchi Baba. After this Mirchi Baba was arrested from Gwalior.

The basis of the FIR of the victim in the challan ….
I am from Raisen. I am 28 years old. I have been married for four years, but I have no children. I have also done treatment and exfoliation. I didn’t get any benefit. I was worried, then a month ago today, I came to know from the women of the locality that Vairagyanand Giri alias Mirchi Baba is very knowledgeable. Giving medicine for having a child. The Bhagwat tells the story. I also felt like meeting Mirchi Baba to get medicine. The mobile number of Mirchi Baba was found from the banner in the walls of the village.

Called this number in July this year. Talked to a person named Gopal. He called himself a disciple of Baba. He told that the second number written in the banner is of Baba. On this I called on another number. Talked to Baba. Told Baba that even after 4 years of marriage there is no child. can you do something? Baba said that we cure it. For this you have to come to my ashram. I became happy I told everything about Baba to my husband. Baba also talked to my husband. Then I believed in Baba. After this Baba spoke to me many times. I called Baba and said that I am coming to get medicine. Baba asked me to come to Minal Residency in Bhopal.

I reached Baba’s Minal Residency alone. There Baba’s disciple came to me to take Gopal. Then I went to Baba’s bungalow. The bungalow is two storeyed. Baba met there. Made me sit with great love. There was a maid in the house, who gave me tea and water. Baba asked me everything. I told all my problems. Baba saw the vein of the hand. Said that you will have a child. You come tomorrow at 12. Baba gave me some sabudana-like pills. Said to keep it at home and eat Bhabhut.

Mirchi Baba had rented a duplex in Minal Residency.

Mirchi Baba had rented a duplex in Minal Residency.

I did as told by Baba. Told everything to husband. After this, on July 17 at 12.30, I reached Baba’s bungalow Minal by auto. There I met Gopal, Baba, Bai all three. Baba made me sit on the sofa. After that Baba gave me sago tablets and Bhabhuti there. Said- There is a room upstairs, go there and sit comfortably and eat. Then I went upstairs to the room. I ate Bhabhuti and the pills. After a while Baba came into the room. Keep talking to me for a while. Then I started feeling dizzy. I got up and started leaving. Baba caught me and made me sit on the bed. The door of the room was closed. He came to me and took me in his arms. Started doing wrong. I pushed Baba. But I was so dizzy that I could not cry. Mirchi Baba raped me. I fainted.

When I regained consciousness, I was in a lot of pain. Baba was also sitting nearby. I was naked. Baba was also naked. I told Baba that you have done wrong with me. I will not leave you Baba said that such children are born. You will be born a chubby boy. I said to Baba – I do not want such a child. Baba said – go and tell whomever you want to tell. I have got the status of Naga Baba, you cannot harm me. If you do anything against me, I will get you and your husband killed.

Mirchi baba arrested… First of all, in Bhaskar, the victim’s ordeal: It was learned that Baba gives medicine to give birth to a child, he raped by giving Bhabhuti

After a few days I told the whole incident to my Guru Bhai, then my husband listened. After that the husband threw me out of the house. I was staying with my Guru Bhai for eight to ten days. Mirchi Baba called me the next day and said that you have gone to report against me, I have come to know. If you report somewhere against me, I will get you killed. So with courage and filed a case in the police.

Mirchi Baba was going to picket at CM House in January.  The police stopped them midway.  Angered by the police action, Mirchi Baba had called Home Minister Narottam Mishra a hypocrite.

Mirchi Baba was going to picket at CM House in January. The police stopped them midway. Angered by the police action, Mirchi Baba had called Home Minister Narottam Mishra a hypocrite.

Ghost and bullet found in wooden cupboard

The police said in the challan that after the FIR, Baba’s house was searched. In this, a white powdered stone was seized in a wooden almirah. Also, according to the woman, Baba had given sago-like pills to eat. The police have also found these bullets in the box in the cupboard, which have been recovered. According to the woman, she became unconscious after consuming the same ghost and pills. After this Baba raped her.

Mirchi Baba arrested for rape: Raisen’s woman filed a case in Bhopal; Baba had said on the protest – the child is like this

Now let’s know about Mirchi Baba…

Mirchi Baba is considered special to former Madhya Pradesh CM Digvijay Singh. Baba also had the status of Minister of State in the Kamal Nath government. After Computer Baba in support of Congress in the 2018 assembly elections, Mirchi Baba also became active in politics. He is considered close to many senior Congress leaders. During the Lok Sabha elections in the year 2019, he came into the limelight when he performed a havan of five quintals of red chillies for the victory of Congress candidate Digvijay Singh. Mirchi Baba had then announced that if Digvijay Singh did not win the election, he would take water samadhi. Permission was sought from Bhopal collector for taking water samadhi, which was not received.

Pictures of mirchi baba’s influence…

In January 2022, Mirchi Baba was sitting on a fast at his home in Minal Residency (Bhopal) demanding protection of cows.  His fast was broken by former Chief Minister Kamal Nath.

In January 2022, Mirchi Baba was sitting on a fast at his home in Minal Residency (Bhopal) demanding protection of cows. His fast was broken by former Chief Minister Kamal Nath.

In February 2022, Mirchi Baba met Home Minister Narottam Mishra at his Char Imli residence (Bhopal).  He discussed with the Home Minister for 15 minutes.

In February 2022, Mirchi Baba met Home Minister Narottam Mishra at his Char Imli residence (Bhopal). He discussed with the Home Minister for 15 minutes.

In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Mirchi Baba performed a havan with 5 quintals of red chillies for the victory of Congress candidate Digvijay Singh from Bhopal.  Digvijay was defeated by Pragya Thakur.

In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Mirchi Baba performed a havan with 5 quintals of red chillies for the victory of Congress candidate Digvijay Singh from Bhopal. Digvijay was defeated by Pragya Thakur.

In February 2022, Mirchi Baba got angry due to not getting a chair on Kamal Nath's stage in Gwalior.  Senior Congress leader PC Sharma and other leaders had come to convince Baba.

In February 2022, Mirchi Baba got angry due to not getting a chair on Kamal Nath’s stage in Gwalior. Senior Congress leader PC Sharma and other leaders had come to convince Baba.

Mirchi Baba with Congress leader Sajjan Singh Verma (Left).  Sajjan Singh is the MLA from Sonkach assembly seat of Dewas.  Former PWD minister of Madhya Pradesh.

Mirchi Baba with Congress leader Sajjan Singh Verma (Left). Sajjan Singh is the MLA from Sonkach assembly seat of Dewas. Former PWD minister of Madhya Pradesh.

Mirchi Baba with Union Civil Aviation Minister.  Scindia left Congress and joined BJP in 2020.  This led to the fall of the Kamal Nath government formed in 2018.

Mirchi Baba with Union Civil Aviation Minister. Scindia left Congress and joined BJP in 2020. This led to the fall of the Kamal Nath government formed in 2018.

Mirchi Baba with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

Mirchi Baba with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

Mirchi Baba with Defense Minister Rajnath Singh.

Mirchi Baba with Defense Minister Rajnath Singh.

Mirchi Baba has been attacked in Gwalior-Chambal
Mirchi Baba was attacked 6 months ago in Morena. He was coming from Gwalior to burn the effigy of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. As soon as he crossed the bridge of Morena Barrier intersection, some people stopped his car and beat him up. Baba was injured in the incident. Baba’s disciples were also beaten up. A year ago in Gwalior also Mirchi Baba was attacked. Baba’s ashram is in Jaderua Kalan of Gwalior. Here the work related to Goseva is done. Baba was coming from the ashram when the miscreants stopped his car and attacked him fatally. This issue was raised by Kamal Nath by tweeting.

Also read news related to Mirchi Baba

The victim who accused Mirchi Baba of rape said – it was learned that Baba gives medicine to give birth to a child, she raped by giving Bhabhuti

It was learned that Baba gives medicine to give birth to a child, he raped by giving Bhabhuti…

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