Ramdev said – read Namaz, do whatever comes to your mind: whether you pick up Hindu girls; This is what Muslims are taught

Barmer17 minutes ago

Swami Ramdev, Juna Peethadhishwar Mahamandaleshwar Avdheshanand Giri Maharaj reached Barmer on Thursday by a special plane. Here participated in the consecration ceremony of the temple.

Yoga guru Swami Ramdev gave a controversial statement on Thursday during a program in Barmer. Ramdev said – Muslims offer morning prayers. After that ask them what does your religion say? Just read Namaz five times, after that do whatever comes in your mind. Pick up the girls of Hindus and do whatever sin you want to commit.

Many people of Muslim society do like this, but they definitely offer Namaz. They pose as terrorists and criminals, but they definitely offer Namaz. They understand the meaning of Islam only to be Namaz. This is what is taught. But it is not so in Hinduism.

Ramdev then spoke on Christianity. He said- Go to the church and stand in front of Jesus Christ by lighting a candle even during the day. All sins are cleared. This is what Christian society teaches, but it is not so in Hinduism.

Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev, Juna Peethadhishwar Mahamandaleshwar Avdheshanand Giri Maharaj also participated in the ongoing religious program at Panoniyon ka Tala (Taratra), 40 km from Barmer district headquarters. Yoga Guru also left from Barmer at around 4 pm.

shaving off the mustache and wearing a hat is just crazy
Swami Ramdev said- His heaven (Jannat) means that he wears pajama above the ankle, cuts his mustache and wears a cap… Does Quran say this or does Islam say this? I am not saying this. Still these people are doing this. Then they say that our place in heaven has been confirmed. Hoors will be found in Jannat. Such a paradise is worse than hell. It’s just madness. The entire community has to be converted into Islam, they are in this dilemma.

The process of coming of saints continued even on the fourth day of the ongoing Dharam Dhuna Mandir Pran-Pratishtha and Jagrampuri Maharaj's Jeevit Bhandara program at Panoni ka Tala (Taratra) in Barmer district.  Sadhus and Mahatmas are coming from all over the country in this Saint Samagam.

The process of coming of saints continued even on the fourth day of the ongoing Dharam Dhuna Mandir Pran-Pratishtha and Jagrampuri Maharaj’s Jeevit Bhandara program at Panoni ka Tala (Taratra) in Barmer district. Sadhus and Mahatmas are coming from all over the country in this Saint Samagam.

They have no agenda, but Sanatan Dharma has an agenda.
Ramdev said- I am not criticizing anyone, but people are in the same circle. Some say that they will convert the whole world into Islam. Some say that they will convert the whole world into Christians, but what will you do after converting? Tell me this. They don’t have any agenda.

Sanatan Dharma has an agenda. Wake up in the morning at Brahma Muhurta. Get up and take the name of God, then do yoga. Do good work and good deeds by worshiping your idol. This is what Hindu religion and Sanatan teaches us. How to live life well? How to live a virtuous life? There should be honesty in our behaviour, our work. Sanatan Dharma teaches all this not to do violence, lies, fighting.

God only made humans, we made caste
Ramdev said- God has created a human race. We are all children of one God. We are all children of the same ancestors, the same Mother Earth. We all have the same DNA. Everyone has tested and seen. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Jats, Rajputs are classes created by humans. Now go ahead with only one resolution, you are children of only one God. All equal, all great, no discrimination between high and low. We all have to live together.

Ramdev praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ramdev praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Said- No one can divide the Hindu society. These politicians are very dangerous. Let’s distribute. It is good, fortunately for India, at this time the country’s king and prime minister have also got a good one. PM believes in Sanatan Dharmi and Gods and Goddesses. Respects mother cow and considers mother India as mother.

Thursday was the fourth day of Dharma Dhuna Temple Pran-Pratishtha and Jagarampuri Maharaj's Jeevit Bhandara program.  Not only Rajasthan, people from every corner of the country are reaching here.

Thursday was the fourth day of Dharma Dhuna Temple Pran-Pratishtha and Jagarampuri Maharaj’s Jeevit Bhandara program. Not only Rajasthan, people from every corner of the country are reaching here.

There was a religious event in Barmer
Dharam Dhuna Mandir Pran-Pratishtha and Jagrampuri Maharaj’s living Bhandara program is going on at Panoni ka Tala (Taratra), 40 km from Barmer district headquarters. Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev, Juna Peethadhishwar Mahamandaleshwar Avdheshanand Giri Maharaj and all the saints reached the festival on the fourth day on Thursday. The Yoga Guru left from here at around 4 pm. The program will conclude on Friday.

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