Railway protection constable saves passenger’s life in Chhattisgarh | Watch

A Railway Protection Force (RPF) constable saved a passenger’s life on Saturday and pulled the man to safety after he slipped while trying to get on a moving train at Chattisgarh’s Bhatapara railway station.

Screengrab from the CCTV footage shows the constable rushing to save the passenger from slipping under the train

A constable of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) saved a passenger’s life on Saturday by pulling him to safety as he was about to slip into the gap between the platform and the train. The incident took place at Chattisgarh’s Bhatapara railway station.

In the CCTV footage obtained from the site, the passenger can be seen slipping after he tried to get on a moving train. Then constable Rupak Kumar rushed to help the passenger and managed to pull him to safety just as the train was leaving the station.

Watch the video of the incident here.