Questions for ‘strong’ Congress at national level, Modi’s reverse tone in Gadkari’s throat

Strong at the national level for democracy Of Congress There is a need. Such remarks were made by the Union Minister for Road Transport and a senior BJP leader Nitin Gadkari. The century-old political party has welcomed Gadkari’s remarks amid BJP leaders calling for a “Congress-free India”. With Narendra ModiWho didn’t stop poking.

Gadkari said at the award ceremony of journalism organized by Lokmat in Pune last Saturday, “Democracy runs on two wheels. One wheel is the ruling party and the other wheel is the opposition. Democracy needs a strong opposition force. That is why I want the Congress to be strong at the national level. ” “As the Congress weakens, other regional parties are taking their place,” he said. It is not at all good for democracy that regional parties are taking the place of Congress।’

Gadkari made the remarks at a time when the Congress was in dire straits in the Assembly polls in five states (Goa, Manipur, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand). But in more than one state, the Congress had a chance. In that case, Gadkari’s plea is that those who believe in the doctrine of the Congress should stay in the centuries-old political party. “Those who believe in the ideology of the Congress should be in the party and have confidence in the party,” Gadkari was quoted as saying by the Indian Express.

Maharashtra Congress leader Sachin Sawant welcomed the Union Minister’s remarks. “We appreciate the concern that Gadkari has raised,” he said. However, the use of the central agency by the opposition and the BJP’s efforts to destroy democracy should be discussed with its leader Modiji. It is to be noted that BJP leaders, including Modi, have repeatedly called for a ‘Congress-free India’.