QUAD countries show strength to the world in Malabar: Indian Warship INS Shivalik-Kamorta performed

New Delhi6 hours ago

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The 26th edition of the Malabar exercise held at Yokosuka, Japan ended on Tuesday. The navies of India, America, Japan and Australia participated in this exercise which began on 9 November. These four countries are also part of the Quad. The exercise was conducted by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Indian Navy’s INS Shivalik-Kamorta commissioned
INS Shivalik and Kamorta participated in this exercise from the Indian Navy. Both these are indigenous warships. Shivalik is a multi-role stealth frigate, which can also participate in anti-submarine warfare. At the same time, Kamorto is a completely anti-submarine warfare ship. The purpose of the Malabar exercise this year is an anti-submarine warfare drill. They were led by Rear Admiral Sanjay Bhalla, Flag Commanding Officer, Eastern Fleet of the Indian Navy.

Malabar exercise took place for the first time in 1992
Exercise Malabar was started in the year 1992 as a bilateral exercise between the navies of India and the US. Then in 2015, Japan and Australia also joined it in 2020, which further increased the popularity of this exercise. The four countries conducted this exercise amid global concerns arising out of China’s growing military interference in the South and East China Seas.

Read here the news related to India’s military exercises with other countries.
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