Protests against Germany’s Covid restrictions turn violent as Europe moves to stem Omicron – Henry Club

Hundreds of people gathered in different cities and towns on Sunday and Monday to protest strict social distancing rules Which came into force across Germany from Tuesday. For those who have been vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19, gatherings are now limited to 10 people, while non-vaccinated families should meet no more than two other people from each other household at a time.

Some 500 people, in violation of public health regulations, marched into the city center of Saxony’s Bautzen city late Monday, some carrying anti-vaccination signs. Twelve police officers were injured and twelve emergency vehicles were damaged as protesters clashed with police.

Saxony police said scuffles broke out in several parts of the state, while television footage showed protesters throwing objects and insulting officers.

Police said twenty-three people were charged with criminal charges and another 183 were executed with less serious administrative violations.

Protests in Germany come as Europe prepares for a surge in new coronavirus cases going into the New Year holiday. While pockets of communities protesting against Covid-19 vaccines and social distancing measures remain across the continent, anti-vaxxers have become with speed Violent in East Germany, which has been the scene of many protests and where vaccine uptake is below the national average in most states.

Similar scenes of violence played out on Sunday in various places, including in the Bavarian city of Schweinfurt, where hundreds of protesters violated public health rules by gathering. Officials said eight cops were injured in punches and kicks there.

A 27-year-old woman was accused of trying to break a police cordon in the city with her 4-year-old child, both of whom were sprayed with pepper, officials said.

Politicians and media outlets have reportedly received packages containing raw meat and threats from alleged anti-vaxxers, and earlier this month, authorities uncovered an alleged plot to assassinate Saxony governor Michael Kreischmer. Kretschmer is pushing people in his state to get vaccinated and get booster shots. Six people were arrested and questioned in connection with the charges but were later released.

Germany’s vaccination rate lags behind its neighbors in Western Europe, with 70.9% of the population receiving both of their doses. Saxony’s vaccination rate, 63%, is the lowest of any German state. German health officials have said more people need to be vaccinated to protect the country from a new wave of cases prompted by a surge of the Omicron variant across Europe during the holiday season.

Germany earlier this month put in place A nationwide lockdown for those without vaccinations, banning them from accessing all except essential businesses. New Chancellor Olaf Scholz supports compulsory vaccination and wants to draft a law that could be voted on by parliament in late February. Parliament is scheduled to meet in early January to start the discussion.
Governments across Europe have introduced new measures in recent days to limit public gatherings, fearing that Omicron could overwhelm hospitals. Seeing how fast it’s spreading, especially among the unrelated.

Germany’s Constitutional Court also ruled that legislators are required to set triage rules if intensive care units are overfilled with coronavirus patients. The German Intensive Care and Emergency has said that only one-sixth of all ICU beds in the country are available.

After reporting a record-breaking 104,611 Covid-19 infections on Christmas Day, France on Monday eased a series of restrictions where people can eat, work from home options when possible and public gatherings. reduce the size of. The government, however, refrained from imposing a curfew or lockdown and would let local leaders decide whether they needed to implement the outdoor mask mandate.

Italy will close all nightclubs and bars in January, while Portugal has closed schools, bars and clubs until January 10. Spanish authorities have reinstated a nationwide outdoor mask mandate and six northern regional governments have agreed to coordinate early closing hours for restaurants, bars and nightclubs — a move that affects 14 million people, the largest in Spain. About 29% of the population.

Madrid, however, will be one of the few major cities in Europe to celebrate the New Year with a big celebration. Barcelona and Valencia have canceled their fireworks displays to persuade people to stay at home. Berlin, London, Paris, Rome and Venice have also ended their traditional celebrations.
