Priyanka Chopra Speaks Out on Hollywood Strike, Says ‘I Stand with My Union, Colleagues’ – News18

Last Updated: July 15, 2023, 05:54 AM IST

Los Angeles, United States of America (USA)

Priyanka Chopra has extended her support to the ongoing writers’ strike in Hollywood. (File Photo/Reuters)

Hollywood grapples with a major crisis as actors join writers on strike, disrupting productions. Priyanka Chopra lends support to the cause

In a show of solidarity, actress Priyanka Chopra has lent her support to the ongoing writers’ strike in Hollywood that has brought show business in the country to a halt. As actors come along with writers on the picket lines, Chopra joins the ranks of industry professionals advocating for fair contracts with studios and streaming services.

The strike has led to the suspension of numerous Hollywood productions and promotional tours, causing significant disruption in the entertainment industry. In an Instagram post, Priyanka wrote, “I stand with my union and colleagues. In solidarity, we build a better tomorrow.

While the immediate impact on movie releases may be limited, the long-term consequences remain uncertain. The movies in production that have shut down during the strike include Deadpool 3, Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part II, and Gladiator 2.

Hollywood is currently grappling with a major crisis as actors have joined writers on the picket lines, leading to the suspension of numerous productions and promotional tours.

Talks between the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) and the studios, streaming services and production companies failed to yield significant progress, resulting in the actors’ strike.

Read More: Hollywood Actors Stage Massive Strike, Unite Against Pay Cuts and AI Threat

At the heart of the conflict is the issue of streaming services and the subsequent impact on actors’ income. Union leaders argue that the rise of the streaming model has deprived actors of their fair share of earnings, with a disproportionate amount flowing to executives. Proposals put forth by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AFTRA), representing the studios and production companies, fell far short of meeting the actors’ needs.

Efforts to reach a resolution were temporarily extended, but tensions continued to escalate. Fran Drescher, the head of SAG-AFTRA, expressed disappointment, feeling that the extension was merely a ploy to allow studios to promote their summer releases.

The actors’ demands include a long-term share of revenue generated by streaming platforms, which have disrupted traditional residual payment models. Additionally, both actors and writers have faced challenges due to shorter seasons, longer gaps between productions and concerns over the unregulated use of artificial intelligence.

As the strike intensifies, actors are bound by union rules not to engage in any work-related activities. This includes personal appearances, promotions, auditions, rehearsals, and even making their case for Emmy votes. The strike is expected to have significant repercussions on upcoming seasons of television shows, potentially leading to indefinite delays, while movie releases may also face setbacks.

The combined impact of the writers’ strike and actors’ strike will continue to disrupt a wide range of US-based shows and films. Late-night talk shows have already gone on hiatus, and numerous scripted television series have shut down production.

Although the immediate consequences may not be fully felt by streaming viewers, the strike may cause delays in the release of new seasons and series on the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

(With AP inputs)