Priyanka Chopra gets emotional about returning to India after three years, will get the support of little princess Malti Mary

The desi girl of Bollywood has made her name dance all over the world. She has now tasted success not only in India but also abroad. Priyanka Chopra, who has become a global icon, remains in the headlines for some reason or the other. The desi girl, who is in discussions about her films and sometimes due to her personal life, has been living abroad with her husband Nick, daughter Malti and family members for the past several years. Due to which his Indian fans are eager to get a glimpse of him and also follow him on social media. There is good news for the fans who want to see our lovely desi girl step on Indian soil. Actually, Priyanka Chopra is coming back to India soon.

There is nothing better than the feeling of returning to your home country after a long stay abroad. Actress Priyanka Chopra is overjoyed at the moment and the reason for this is her return to India after almost three years. Sharing a picture of the boarding pass on Instagram Story, the actress wrote, ‘Finally… going home. Nearly 3 years later. He will also be accompanied by his lovely little princess Malti Mary Chopra on this trip. Let me tell you, this will be Malti’s first visit to India. Priyanka is returning to India for the first time after the Corona epidemic.

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Priyanka has been living in America for many years. She moved to America at the age of 12 to study in the country. But after years she returned to India and made a career in Bollywood. After a stellar career in the Indian film industry, Priyanka made her Hollywood debut in 2015 with ‘Quantico’. Not only this, in the year 2018, she also married American singer and musician Nick Jonas, after which she completely shifted to America.

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