Politics and Order: The idea of ​​giving shelter to criminals in politics must be killed

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Atiq had to die and he did, but at the hands of the law. How many innocent people he has brought to death, how many people’s lands and houses have been grabbed! Anyone who raised his voice was silenced and he kept doing all this by going away from the law, so he had to die a similar death, the argument can be given, but this argument cannot be said to be correct in the path of democracy.

The question arises that while Atiq was doing all this, what was our police, our law and this politics of which he had also become an active member, doing? At the age of just 27, he had become an MLA. Sometimes from one party, sometimes from another party and sometimes independent too. Who gave him entry in politics? Why did this politics keep on flourishing and being nurtured for years by using his muscle power and his fear?

It can be said that when law or police or governments do not do their work on time, gang wars flourish.

It can be said that when law or police or governments do not do their work on time, gang wars flourish.

Then why didn’t anyone see the atrocities committed, or being committed by him? This police, this system, then why did it remain ignorant even after seeing everything? Until the criminalization of politics is not strictly stopped, such criminals will continue to flourish and one way or the other will keep going to the Legislative Assemblies, Lok Sabha. Actually, why our system comes to senses only after the water has gone above the head. Sometimes the senses do not come and then the same thing happens!

Even today the situation is such that our political parties have not been able to agree on stopping the criminalization of politics without any doubt. Why are those accused of murder or such crimes, even if they have not been convicted, given election tickets?

It can be said that when law or police or governments do not do their work on time, then such gang wars flourish and then that gang becomes determined to do its own justice, but it is not justified in any way. Can go When we give Yakub a chance to present his side by opening the court even at midnight, then a great example of democracy is presented. Eventually he is hanged, but according to the law.

On one hand we talk about the rule of law and on the other hand Lawrence Vishnoi gives interviews while sitting in jail. Different types of footage of Sukesh come out of jail. The footage of Satyendar Jain pressing someone’s feet also comes from inside the jail. Then which rule of law is working? Weakness is of law and order only.

When Ateeq was shot in the police cordon, by whose negligence did it happen?

When Ateeq was shot in the police cordon, by whose negligence did it happen?

When Ateeq was shot in the police cordon, by whose negligence did it happen? Was there any gang that was troubled by the fear of Atiq revealing the secret during interrogation and to bury this secret, he hired some shooters and carried out this incident? This link must be opened in the judicial inquiry so that the excesses between the hidden faces can come to the fore.

Strict action must be taken against terrorists like Atiq. It would have happened, and that was what happened, that is, death sentence, but justice should be seen in every sentence, in every decision. It cannot be called fair to see justice in the sound of bullets of a few shooters.

Violence for violence is neither our tradition nor our custom. The answer to violence should be strict punishment through legal means. In fact, when justice is meted out through mob or gang war, what happens is that one terrorist or goon is killed and another is born. … and this chain goes on for a long time. There is no end to it.

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