Police action on drugs in Punjab: 676 drug smugglers caught in a week; There will be a performance review of CP, SSP

Chandigarh5 hours ago

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Police has started a big action against drugs in Punjab. In the last one week, the police have caught 678 drug smugglers and suppliers from Punjab. There will be a performance review of the Commissioner of Police (CP) and SSP every week to be strict against drugs. In whose area drug is not being caught, there will be pressure on them to take action.

On Monday, IG Dr. Sukhchain Singh Gill gave this information at the Chandigarh Headquarters of Punjab Police. He said that now every Monday he will answer questions related to action against drugs and Punjab Police through a press conference.

IG Headquarters Dr. Sukhchain Singh Gill talking to reporters in Chandigarh.

IG Headquarters Dr. Sukhchain Singh Gill talking to reporters in Chandigarh.

Received it in a week
IG Dr. Sukhnain Singh Gill said that in the last one week, 5.57 kg heroin, 17 kg opium, 25 kg ganja, 7 quintals of POPPU HUSK and 2.25 lakh drugs were seized from Punjab.

Now more smuggling from J&K
IG Dr. Gill said that now a new trend is emerging regarding drugs. He said that now drug smuggling and especially Bhukki is coming from Jammu and Kashmir. Apart from this, opium is being brought to Punjab from many states. For which the police has made a strategy to catch the smugglers with full planning.

Focus on confiscating assets
Dr. Gill said that the focus would be on confiscation of the properties of drug smugglers in Punjab. For this, the officers of the field have also been asked to take action under section 68F of NDPS.

CP and SSP work at the grassroots level
DGP Gaurav Yadav has made it clear to all CP and SSP that they should work at the ground level. Go out in the field yourself and take steps to stop drugs. IG Dr. Gill said that unless the senior officers themselves are aware of the area, then there will be no success in stopping the drugs.

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