PM Modi, Biden hold bilateral talks on sidelines of Quad Summit in Tokyo | Takeaways

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Joe Biden meets with PM Narendra Modi during the Quad leaders’ summit in Tokyo


  • Besides speaking for the Quad Summit and bilateral talks, Biden also praised Modi for handling COVID
  • Both the leaders shared their views and discussed ways to deepen the India- US friendship
  • Biden on Monday had launched the ambitious Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday held bilateral talks with US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the Quad summit in Tokyo. During their talks, both the leaders shared their views on a wide range of issues and discussed ways to deepen the India-USA friendship, the prime minister’s office said. The two leaders discussed ways to strengthen cooperation in trade, investment, technology, defence, people-to-people ties between the two countries.

In line with Washington’s long-term vision for the region, Biden on Monday launched the ambitious Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), which is an initiative aimed at deeper cooperation among like-minded countries in areas like clean energy, supply-chain resilience and digital trade.

What PM Modi said during bilateral talks with Biden

  • The strategic relationship between India and the US is truly a “partnership of trust” and the friendship will continue to be a “force for good” for global peace and stability
  • Our shared values and our common interests in many areas, including security, have strengthened the bonds of this trust. Our people-to-people relations and close economic relations also make our partnership unique
  • The trade and investment ties between the two sides are also expanding continuously, although it is still well below their potential
  • I am sure that the India-USA Investment Incentive Agreement between us will see concrete progress in the direction of investment We are increasing our bilateral cooperation in the field of technology and also strengthening mutual coordination on global issues
  • Both the US and India share the same vision about the Indo-Pacific region and are working to safeguard the shared values and common interests not only at the bilateral level but also with other like-minded countries. Quad and IPEF announced yesterday are active examples of this. Today our discussion will give more momentum to this positive momentum
  • I am confident that the friendship of India and America will continue to be a force for good for global peace and stability, for the sustainability of the planet, and for the well-being of mankind

What Biden said during bilateral talks with PM Modi

  • I am committed to making America’s partnership with India among the closest on earth, there is so much that the two countries can and will do together
  • Pleased that the two countries have reached an agreement for the US Development Finance Corporation to continue this important work in India, supporting vaccine production, clean energy initiatives
  • I am glad that we are renewing the Indo-US Vaccine Action Programme
  • We also discussed the ongoing effects of Russia’s brutal and non-justified invasion of Ukraine and the effect it has on the entire global world order
  • The US-India is going to continue consulting closely on how to mitigate these negative effects

(With inputs from PTI)

Also Read | Our cooperation contributing to peace, stability in Indo-Pacific: PM Modi at Quad Summit

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