PM Modi Announces PM-SHRI Yojana For Development Of Schools. What Is It?

On the occassion of Teachers’ Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday announced a new initiative for the development and upgradation of schools across India. The Pradhan Mantri Schools For Rising India (PM-SHRI) Yojana will be a laboratory for the new National Education Policy (NEP) and under the first phase, 14,500 schools will be upgraded.

“Today, on Teachers Day, I am glad to announce a new initiative — the development and upgradation of 14,500 schools across India under the Pradhan Mantri Schools For Rising India (PM-SHRI) Yojana. These will become model schools which will encapsulate the full spirit of NEP,” PM Modi tweeted.

The new National Education Policy was launched in 2020. The NEP replaced the 34-year-old National Policy on Education framed in 1986 and is aimed at paving the way for transformational reforms in school and higher education systems.

Earlier in the day, PM Modi, while interacting with National Teacher Award recipients, said India was moving in the right direction to strengthen its education ecosystem and its new education policy was being appreciated across the globe.

What Is PM-SHRI Yojana?

The Centre has been in the process to establish “PM-SHRI” schools with an aim to prepare students for the future and will encapsulate the full spirit of National Education Policy.

PM Modi said the PM-SHRI schools would have a modern, transformational and holistic method of imparting education.

“Emphasis will be on a discovery oriented, learning centric way of teaching. Focus will also be on modern infra, including latest technology, smart classrooms, sports and more,” PM Modi further said.

He further said that the initiative would further benefit lakhs of students across India.

“The National Education Policy has transformed the education sector in the recent years. I am certain that the PM-SHRI schools will further benefit lakhs of students across India in the spirit of NEP,” PM Modi tweeted.

The initiative was first mentioned earlier this year by Union education minister Dharmendra Pradhan. The minister had highlighted 5+3+3+4 approach of NEP covering pre-school to secondary, emphasis on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), teacher training and adult education, integration of skill development with school education and prioritising learning in mother tongue as steps for preparing global citizens of the 21st century.

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