Photos of former Punjab CM Badal’s last journey: The funeral procession will be taken out in a tractor from home to farm, decorated with flowers, supporters start gathering

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Former Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal will be cremated today at his ancestral village Badal. His body will be taken in a tractor from home to the field (where the last rites will take place). This tractor has been decorated with flowers, on which Fakhr-e-Kaum has been written. In this, his last journey will be taken out.

At the same time, tents have been set up in the field where his last rites are to be performed. Along with this, arrangements have also been made for food for the people. The last rites will be held at about 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Before this, his body will be kept at home for the last darshan. Supporters have started gathering at his home. See the pictures of the last farewell…

Former CM Parkash Singh Badal's nephew Manpreet Badal expressing condolences to the people.

Former CM Parkash Singh Badal’s nephew Manpreet Badal expressing condolences to the people.

Supporters reached home for the last visit of former CM Parkash Singh Badal.

Supporters reached home for the last visit of former CM Parkash Singh Badal.

The last journey of former CM Parkash Singh Badal will be taken out in this tractor.  Which is decorated with flowers.

The last journey of former CM Parkash Singh Badal will be taken out in this tractor. Which is decorated with flowers.

The place made for the last rites of former CM Parkash Singh Badal in the field.

The place made for the last rites of former CM Parkash Singh Badal in the field.

Tents have been put up in the field where the last rites of the former CM will be performed.

Tents have been put up in the field where the last rites of the former CM will be performed.

Food has also been arranged for the people arriving at the funeral.

Food has also been arranged for the people arriving at the funeral.

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