Petrol was getting expensive: A person left the car in Aurangabad and now started commuting by horse to office, saving 10 thousand rupees every month

Aurangabad6 hours ago

The distance of office from Yusuf’s house is 12 km. They travel 25 kms a day.

Petrol and diesel prices are increasing rapidly across the country including Maharashtra. Due to the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, there is talk of further increase in the price of crude oil. Talking about Aurangabad, petrol is being sold here at Rs 110 per liter. A man from Aurangabad, troubled by the rising price of daily living, has decided to leave his car at home and go to office by horse.

We are talking about Sheikh Yusuf, a resident of Aurangabad. Shaikh said that I work as a lab assistant in a college and in view of the rising prices of petrol, I have decided to travel by horse to the office to protest. Sheikh told that not only do I go to the office, but sometimes the market also goes by horse. With this I save petrol money as well as keep myself fit.

Demand to make separate track for horse
Sheikh told that he has named this horse ‘Jigar’. Sheikh has also demanded that it is extremely difficult for a horse to walk in the middle of traffic. We demand that the municipal corporation should develop horse and cycle as an alternative transport mode. Sheikh has also demanded to make a separate track for this. Shaikh says that when the government does not make petrol cheaper, then we will have no other option. Shaikh says that the one who travels on horse every day does not have any heart disease.

Bought this horse in lockdown
Yusuf bought this horse in lockdown. Sheikh told that it is not safe to use public transport during the Corona period, while the prices of petrol and diesel are very expensive to run their car. In such a situation, he considered horse riding as the best option and now he is seen riding a horse on the streets of the city.

Horse food is arranged for free
Sheikh told that he has to take great care of this horse. According to Shaikh, the horse has colic (colic). That’s why he has to look at his excreta daily. He has to be fed cold and green things. These include fodder. Regarding the monthly expenditure on the horse, Sheikh said that it is treated free of cost in the hospital of the Metropolitan Municipality. He works at YB Chavan College, Aurangabad. There is huge green grass in the campus of the college, so the quota of fodder gets fulfilled from here. Apart from this, the people of the locality in which they live give leftover food and grains to the horse to eat. Therefore, the expenditure on it should be almost negligible.

Fodder for Jigar is arranged by his school.

Fodder for Jigar is arranged by his school.

Even in marriage, Sheikh goes by horse
Sheikh also told that whenever he has to go to any wedding or marriage, his family goes by rickshaw or auto rickshaw, but he goes by his horse. Sheikh told that this horse is very intelligent and stops on its own after seeing the traffic signal. Along with being peace-loving, it is also loyal and as soon as anyone tries to touch it, it starts making noise.

Earlier only traveling used to spend 10 thousand
According to Shaikh, they travel 25 kilometers (coming and going) a day by this horse. In the first car, they used to spend about 150 to 200 only on petrol in a day, apart from this they used to spend 5 thousand a month in the maintenance of the car. In such a situation, the cost of his car is about 10 thousand per month. Shaikh told that if 10 thousand is spent only on commuting in a small job, then how will the family run, so he found out this way.

By juggling money, he bought ‘liver’ for 40 thousand
Shaikh told that a relative had a horse for sale for Rs 40,000 and Yusuf was fond of horse riding since childhood. He sold his rusty bike, saved some money, borrowed some money from a relative. In May 2020, Kathiawadi brought home a beautiful black horse ‘Jigar’ of the breed.

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