Paul Pogba hits out at United: ‘Manchester made a mistake in not offering me a contract’

Paul Pogba has hit out at his former club Manchester United for offering him ‘nothing’ despite two contract offers worth around £300,000-a-week.

In the new Amazon Prime documentary titled – The ‘Pogmentary’, which is set for release on Friday, it is revealed how the failed negotiations transpired between the player and the club.

The Athletic, which had access to preview material, reported how the Frenchman dismissed United’s second offer with his late agent Mino Raiola, describing it as ‘nothing’ as he sat in his Rolls Royce.

This was even after United made a number of genuine attempts to keep Pogba at the club.

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“Paul, you are in a situation which is very particular. You have no idea. You have no idea,” Raiola tells Pogba as he is driving in Miami.

Pogba then asks: “Did Manchester (United) make a second offer?” To which Raiola replies: “Yes. They absolutely want you to stay. For me, the offer doesn’t reflect that. I told them, “If you want him to stay, don’t make that offer”.

“I will make them understand that if they really want you to stay and they want to build a project around you, this time they have to act differently and put the money on the table.”

“They’re bluffing,” Pogba replies. “How can you tell a player you absolutely want him and offer him nothing? Never seen that.”

At the end of the documentary, Pogba pledges to “show Manchester that they made a mistake in waiting to give me a contract. And show other clubs that Manchester made a mistake in not offering me a contract.”

Pogba is a free agent and, having left United after six unfulfilling years,