Pakistan Floods: UN Chief Antonio Guterres To Visit Nation Hit By Calamity Next Week

New Delhi: United Nations (UN) chief Antonio Guterres will travel to flood-hit Pakistan next week for a solidarity visit. The cash-strapped country has been affected by record-breaking rain and floods that have displaced millions and killed over 1000 people.

A statement issued on Tuesday said UN Secretary-General Guterres will travel to Pakistan given the “tragic situation facing millions of men, women and children impacted by historic floods”.

Guterres is expected to arrive on September 9 in Islamabad, and will further travel to areas most impacted by the unprecedented climate catastrophe.

During his visit, he will meet with the displaced families and take stock of how the UN is working with its humanitarian partners, to support the government’s relief efforts and provide assistance to millions of people.

He is expected to return to New York on September 11.

In a video message on the flash appeal in support of the Pakistan Flood Response Plan, Guterres said that Pakistan is “facing monsoon on steroids” and that the nation “is awash in suffering”.

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According to PTI, the ‘2022 Pakistan Floods Response Plan’ was jointly launched by Pakistan’s government and United Nations in Geneva against the backdrop of the devastating rain and flood which has affected over 33 million people.

Over 1,100 people, including over 350 children have lost their lives, more than 1,600 people have been injured, over 287,000 houses have been fully and 662,000 partially destroyed, over 735,000 livestock have perished and 2 million acres of crops have been adversely impacted, besides severe damage to communications infrastructure, as per the report.