Pageants Are More Than Pretty Faces And Glamorous Dinners, They Are About People And Lives: Priya Pramita Paul

Partner Content

oi-Oneindia Staff


Published: Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 10:24 [IST]

Pageants all around the world are not just about beauty and glamour. They mean more than that. Pageants bring forward the faces of society. These faces play a pivotal role in the development of society. One such pageant is the Ms. World International Pageant. Priya Pramita Paul is one of the participants of the Ms. World International Pageant. Currently, she holds the title of Ms. India World International 2022. Speaking of the pageant, Priya says that “the goal of the Ms. World International Pageant and filming event is to inspire women from every country, continent and culture to come together, in the spirit of competition, to share their passions and promote their platforms on an international stage.”

Priya Pramita Paul

When asked if she would equate the pageant to a mere glamorous event with pretty faces, she declines vehemently. She says that pageants are more than pretty faces and glamorous dinners. They are about people and their lives and dreams that come true on the global stage. In her opinion, “the Ms World International event is not your typical beauty pageant. As per her, the delegates don’t spend hours rehearsing or learning choreographed routines. Rather, on a deeper level, it is all about friendships, filming and fun. This is a week of team-building experiences where delegates bond and build each other up through supportive activities in a structured and glamorous environment.”

While bonding and team-building are integral to the event, so is the competition. The event aims to find the next Ms. World International and for that, Priya is training hard. Her focus is currently on learning the knick-knacks of ramp walking, media presence and overall grooming, hair and makeup. Regarding her fitness, she hasn’t ever tried yoga and gym but she is using these novel methods too for training herself. Priya believes that communication is the key to making the event something larger than a show of beauty. It is so because speeches by the delegates help them portray their thought process and ideas to the audience and judges. To ace it, she is learning the soft skills and skills of communication. When asked about her ideas and thoughts, Priya is very clear about what she represents at the event. In her words, “I represent every individual who feels their life is over and they have no other way to move forward. Everything starts with believing in their dreams and taking action towards it.” She is a firm believer in the strength of self. She says, “how we drive our lives is completely on our choice. Remember we create our life and not others.”

Priya lives with the motto of “never give up, never give in and never quit” and without a doubt, it makes her a fighter. A fighter woman is the need of the 21st century and to be able to represent the woman of 2022, Priya is doing everything right. Delegates like Priya are breaking the stereotypes attached to pageants. As Priya rightly puts, pageants are and should be considered more about opportunities and breaking stereotypes than glamorous events with celebrity line-ups. Priya is an inspiration for the men and women waiting for their chance at the world stage. She is making a difference in the pageant world that the people want to see, and with this, she is making thousands of dreams come true.

Story first published: Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 10:24 [IST]