Over 1l Adults With Flu Identified, Provided Meds During 5-day Drive | Allahabad News – Times of India

LUCKNOW: Over 1.1 lakh people with influenza-like illness were identified and provided medicines during the five-day door-to-door campaign in Uttar Pradesh.
The drive was organised to address the health issues that surfaced during the third wave of Covid-19 pandemic. Health officials said on Sunday that out of 1,10,857 symptomatic people identified during the drive from January 24-29, at least 239 were found serious and admitted to hospital.
The samples were sent for testing and the infected people and their first line contacts were handed over preventive medicine kit.
Under the drive, healthcare workers including ASHAs, anganwadi workers, and members of surveillance committees visited households. They also identified the adults, especially the elderly, who are yet to receive vaccine dose against the virus.
The teams also line-listed newborn babies, infants and children under five years of age who have missed their vaccine on account of the surge in Covid-19 cases over the past one year.
It has been estimated that routine immunisation of over seven lakh children and 2.89 pregnant women was missed due to the pandemic.
Reviewing the progress of the drive, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath directed health department to mobilise teams and ensure vaccination of those who have missed their shot.
He asked the officials to draw an outreach plan for children and pregnant women due for their routine vaccine. The CM also urged the people to adhere to Covid-19 prevention protocol to ensure that the pandemic remains under control
