Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his first public rally after completing nine years in office, on Wednesday, listed out the achievements of his government. At the same time, he lashed out at Congress saying it “cannot digest the fact that the son of a poor family can build and inaugurate a new Parliament building”. He said, “they are angry why the son of the poor is questioning them on the issue of corruption and dynastic politics.” With Rajasthan set to go for assembly polls later this year, Modi began his party’s month-long contact campaign from Ajmer.  While listing the welfare measures taken by his government for women, poorer sections, farmers and youth, Modi said, people should compare the situation that prevailed in 2014 and now, and they will know the difference. He said, Rs 25 lakh crore were spent to build new highways, roads and railway. I consider this a good sign for democracy that our Prime Minister is listing the achievements of his government during the last nine years. In a democracy, the government must be accountable. Modi is right when he says that nine years ago, there used to be too many cases of high-end corruption. Opposition parties have the right to question the work of Modi government and judge his performance. But if you look at the Congress campaign, their leaders do not ask questions about the performance of Modi government. This is because the achievements that Modi lists out in his speeches, are visible on ground. Congress leaders spend most of their time on labelling Modi as “dictator”, defaming the Prime Minister and making fun of him.


Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, while addressing NRIs in California on Tuesday, mocked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and described him as a “specimen”. Rahul Gandhi said, “There is a group of people in India who are convinced they know everything. They think they know even more than God. They can sit with God and explain the Universe. And of course, our prime minister is one such specimen. They think they can explain history to historians, science to scientists and warfare to the army, But at the core of it is mediocrity. They are not ready to listen.” He ridiculed Modi for lying prostrate full length in front of the ‘Sengol’ (sceptre) during the inauguration of new Parliament building. Rahul Gandhi is almost repeating in the US, what he had earlier said during his visit to UK. He was strongly criticized for bringing a bad name for India at that time, but those criticisms have had no effect on him. Rahul does not believe in Indira Gandhi’s legacy that Indians should not speak about domestic differences on foreign shores. There are many Congress leaders who still believe in this principle. They feel, Rahul should not say in foreign countries that Muslims in India are facing atrocities, because Pakistan and China take undue advantage of his remarks. Several Congress leaders also believe that by saying democracy and Constitutional institutions in India have become weaker, he is causing damage to the country. Rahul Gandhi’s supporters say, even Modi did the same in the past. They say, Modi said in foreign countries that no progress took place in India before he became PM. They also object to Modi claiming that earlier our countrymen used to feel shame on introducing themselves as Indians while they are abroad. Even for a moment, even if I agree that Modi should not have said this, I feel there was nothing in his remark which could be used by our enemies against India.  The remarks that Rahul Gandhi is making will be used by our enemies and it can harm India. If Rahul thinks that his remarks will harm Modi or the BJP, he is mistaken. When the Australian PM  Anthony Albanese said at the Sydney NRI event that “Prime Minister Modi is the Boss” or when the US President Joe Biden spoke about Modi’s popularity or when the PM of Papua New Guinea touched Modi’s feet,  every Indian was elated. It brings pride and glory to 140 crore Indians. We should all accept this. The fact is that Rahul Gandhi is confused. He is unable to find ways on how to stop Modi from winning elections. In fact, there is a basic difference between Modi and Rahul Gandhi. Modi is never in a restive mood. He never goes on holidays. The moment an election is over, he begins preparing for the next. After Congress won Karnataka polls, Rahul Gandhi immediately proceeded to the US. But on May 11, the day voters were casting their votes in Karnataka, Modi was in Nathdwara addressing a rally and preparing the ground for Rajasthan poll campaign. On Wednesday, Modi was again in Ajmer, Rajasthan, addressing a rally after performing prayers at Pushkar shrine. Modi visited  Rajasthan six times during the last eight months. Modi considers  his work as the basis for seeking votes, while Congress believes in giving ‘guarantees’ to voters.


Alarm bells are ringing in Rajasthan Congress. On Wednesday, dissident leader Sachin Pilot was in his constituency Tonk, where he told a rally that the deadline that he gave for instituting probes into corruption charges against former CM Vasundhara Raje is now over, and he would soon decide on his next step. Replying to CM Ashok Gehlot’s ‘advice’ that young leaders should be patient and that the fruits of patience are sweet, Pilot hit back and said, ‘it is time for older politicians to give opportunity to the younger ones’. Without naming Gehlot, he said, “some old leaders are now feeling  insecured, and that is the reason why they are pulling the legs of younger ones.” Sachin Pilot’s line is clear: his demand for instituting probe into corruption charges against Vasundhara Raje are actually meant to harass Gehlot. The ground reality is that Pilot wants the Congress to project him as the chief ministerial candidate for this year’s assembly elections. He wants the party leadership to fulfill the promise made to him five years back.  But Ashok Gehlot has the backing of Congress high command. He has clearly said, nobody can force the high command in taking any decision. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi feel that Pilot’s unhappiness can be managed, but if Gehlot’s government is destabilized, it may amount to digging one’s own grave. Pilot may soon lose his patience. Now that his deadline is over, warning bells have started ringing for Congress in Rajasthan.

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