In Khandauli, Agra, Rs 39 lakh was deducted from the account of a retired soldier due to his son’s addiction to playing games. By the time I found out, it was too late. On the complaint of the victim, the Range Cyber Police Station conducted an investigation. After the matter came to light in this, a case has been registered against the game provider company.
The retired soldier complained to the Range Cyber Police a month ago. It said that Rs 39 lakh has been withdrawn from his account. But how did this money come out? is not detected. He has not given any information to anyone. Didn’t even download any app. The cyber cell started the investigation of the case. Earlier, the information about the payment made in the account of the soldier was received.
It was found that first the amount went from Paytm to Koda Payment. After this it went to the bank account of Singapore. This account belongs to Crofton Company. The company feeds online games under the name of Battle Grounds Mobile India. This game became very popular in India last few months.
Payment was on auto mode in the app
Weapons and other features in the game can be acquired by paying. The retired soldier’s son used to play games. Because of this addiction, he paid in the game. Due to payment on auto mode, the amount got deducted. This came to be known after a long time. Due to the son, Rs 39 lakh was withdrawn from the account.
According to Inspector Akash Singh, in-charge of Cyber Range Police Station, a case has been registered against Crofton Company on the complaint of retired soldier for fraud and under IT Act. Discussion is being done. Action will be taken after collection of evidence.
keep an eye on the kids
SSP Sudhir Kumar Singh said that children play online games on mobile. Many times money is demanded to increase the facilities in the game. Mobiles also have e-wallets. When children do OK to increase the facilities in the game, the amount starts deducting. Even children do not know about this.
Therefore, children should not be given mobiles to play games alone. Keep an eye on what game he is playing. The mobile in which children are playing the game should not have an e-wallet. Children should not tell ATM card number, CVV number and OTP.
cases that have come before
This is not the first case in the city. More than 30 lakhs were deducted from the account of the trader of Hariparvat area. He later came to know that the son had played the game. Similarly, three lakh rupees were deducted from the account of a trader of New Agra area. He came to know on going to the bank. Police is probing the matter.
In Khandauli, Agra, Rs 39 lakh was deducted from the account of a retired soldier due to his son’s addiction to playing games. By the time I found out, it was too late. On the complaint of the victim, the Range Cyber Police Station conducted an investigation. After the matter came to light in this, a case has been registered against the game provider company.
The retired soldier complained to the Range Cyber Police a month ago. It said that Rs 39 lakh has been withdrawn from his account. But how did this money come out? is not detected. He has not given any information to anyone. Didn’t even download any app. The cyber cell started the investigation of the case. Earlier, the information about the payment made in the account of the soldier was received.
It was found that first the amount went from Paytm to Koda Payment. After this it went to the bank account of Singapore. This account belongs to Crofton Company. The company feeds online games under the name of Battle Grounds Mobile India. This game became very popular in India last few months.