Omicron variant will fight Delta: After infection with Omicron, the ability to fight corona will increase 14 times, if vaccinated then you will get double immunity

5 minutes agoAuthor: Vaibhav Palnitkar

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Cases of new variant ‘Omicron’ of corona virus are increasing rapidly in India. Shocking results have been revealed in the research done by the Africa Health Research Institute on Omicron infected people. According to research, the body of a person who has suffered Omicron infection is more capable of fighting any variant of Kovid. This research trial involved 15 vaccinated and unvaccinated people who had been infected with the Omicron variant.

Research has shown that after an Omicron infection, the body’s ability to fight Omicron again increases by 14 times. At the same time, the fighting ability against the deadly Delta variant is increased by about 4.4 times. The immune response of vaccinated people has been seen better than those who did not take the vaccine.

Dr Shashank Heda, who works in Texas, USA and the founder of CovidRxExchange, says that if vaccinated people get Omicron infection then their immunity gets an even more boost, so it is very important to be fully vaccinated.

Question and answer from Dr Shashank Heda on the latest research on Omicron..

Question- Recently, there has been an important research on Omicron infection, what is the most important thing found for the common man in this?
This research has come from South Africa. Antibodies that fight against Omicron and Delta variants have been studied in this. Research has shown that antibodies produced after Omicron infection can prevent delta reinfection, meaning that after Omicron infection, a person becomes more protected from future Kovid infection. Although the sample size of this research is still very small, more research is needed with larger samples, but the findings that have come out so far are shocking.

Question- If a person gets infected with Omicron, then his chances of getting infected with the delta variant are reduced?
Both Omicron and Delta are variants of the corona virus, both of which are made from different types of mutations. Both mutations have been described by WHO as Variant of Concern. As of now, it seems that the Omicron variant will replace the Delta variant in the coming few days. The biggest reason for this is that Omicron spreads many times faster than Delta. But data coming from South Africa and other countries suggests that Omicron causes only mild infections and very low hospitalizations. Recent research has shown that if you are infected with Omicron, the antibodies produced from it will give you more strength to fight the delta variant.

Question- Many experts are saying that Omicron may be the end of the Kovid epidemic? Is this true, what does your research say?
It is too early to conclude that the COVID pandemic will end with Omicron. Right now a lot of research will be needed before we can reach any final conclusions.

Question- How is the behavior of the current vaccine against Omicron, how effective are the existing vaccines?
How effective the vaccines prepared against Kovid so far are for its variants, it is being continuously tracked. According to the current data, it appears that the vaccine against Omicron has not been as effective. Whether these vaccines are made from mRNA, DNA or vector, any technology.

Question- What will be the impact of Omicron infection on India, to what level can daily Kovid cases go, what will be the status of hospitalization?
It is clear from the data that has come from South Africa, UK and European countries that Omicron is not as dangerous as Delta was. This does not mean that people will not die at all from this. Its numbers will be much less compared to the variants coming before it, Alpha or Delta.

But we should keep it in our mind that Omicron is very contagious, this time we may see more cases of infection than Delta. That’s why we need to give booster doses to people who are involved in the healthcare system.

In this case, the decision of the Prime Minister is correct that the healthcare workers should be given a booster dose again. Let’s say if a doctor in a rural area gets infected with Omicron, then most of the villagers who come in contact with that doctor will be at increased risk of getting infected with Omicron.

Question- What is the effect of Omicron infection on the antibodies of a person? Does having Omicron reduce the chances of getting a reinfection?
After the Omicron infection, the body’s immunity against the corona will increase and the production of antibodies will increase. Omicron will give a new boost to the body’s immune system. A ‘defense in depth’ mechanism working with B cells and T cells in our body is expected to create a stronger mechanism against COVID after Omicron infection.

Question- It has been seen that most of the vaccines are not effective against Omicron, will booster shot or cross booster shot have any advantage in antibodies?
It is a fact that the effective efficacy of the vaccine has decreased. But the vaccine is still effective against all variants of Kovid. By giving a booster dose, the immune system becomes stronger and it gives additional protection. COVIDRxExchange conducted a vaccine webinar in March 2021. Working on a ‘mix and match’ strategy regarding the vaccine can prove to be very beneficial.

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