Odisha: Two die as bridge collapses in Cuttack | Cuttack News – Times of India

CUTTACK: Two persons died after portion of a British era bridge over Taladanda canal connecting Chhatra Bazaar and Malgodown in Cuttack city collapsed on Wednesday evening. Rescue personnel were busy finding out if anyone else was trapped in the debris.
DCP Prateek Singh said while two men died in the collapse, another man was injured. He was admitted in SCB Medical College and Hospital after he was rescued from the debris. From the preliminary investigation, the two deceased are suspected to be workers engaged the Taladanada canal road expansion Chhatra Bazar. The identity of the deceased yet to be ascertained, Singh said.
Police said the incident occurred around 7.30pm, peak traffic hours. The personnel of Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF) were pressed in to action to rescue the trapped persons. Rescue operation was still on till filing of this report.
Police sources said excessive digging was done by the firm engaged in the Taladanda canal work close to the bridge made up of bricks.
Collector Bhabani Shankar Chayani said the unfortunate mishap occurred during the renovation and expansion work of the Taladanda Canal road.
“Our immediate priority is to save the injured and rescue the trapped persons. We will take action if anyone’s lapses are found,” he said.
Dibakar Lenkaa trader of the Chhatra Bazar, said the company engaged in the canal work had not taken adequate safety measures while undertaking the renovation works, which resulted such mishap. Stringent action should be taken against the contractor added Lenka.
Every day several traders and retail vegetable vendors gather on the bridge itselt to sell vegetables on in the evening hours. While Chhatra Bazaar is state’s biggest vegetable market, Malgodown is one of the biggest grocery markets. Since only a portion from one side has collapsed the connectivity between the two markets are intact though the British era bridge is already in a dilapidated condition.