Not homework, the student posted a pornographic video in the school’s WhatsApp group, then.

The school’s WhatsApp group. Basically homework is shared there. The teachers were shocked when the group was opened. Same video posted here? In fact, a student posted a pornographic video in that group. And then there was an uproar. It also became a police station. He is a sixth grader in a government school in North East Delhi.

Police have filed a case against the student under the Pokso Act. In fact, the school principal had lodged a complaint against the student. Then the police filed a case. But for now, the police have arranged for his counseling. From the teacher to the parents shocked by the whole incident.

Meanwhile, there are teachers as well as students in that group. This group is mainly for sharing various school activities and homework.

On June 6, the school authorities lodged an FIR against the student. However, seeing that picture caused a storm of criticism all over the school. There are also questions as to why he gave such pictures to the school group. Then some of the parents and some of the teachers informed the school principal about the whole matter. Then the principal lodged a complaint with the police station.