North Bengal: Fire during monsoon, tea plantations are scorching, tea industry is facing big loss

Tea plantations cover vast areas in North Bengal. In all, the number of approved large tea gardens is 276. Apart from this there are numerous small tea gardens. Thousands of people are associated with tea production. But this time the tea industry in the north is in a big crisis due to the extreme weather. According to local sources, the sudden heavy rains started in North Bengal earlier last month. Heavy rains in June caused extensive damage to tea gardens. Along with this, due to the erosion of the river, the tea garden has suffered a lot. At that time, various types of insect infestation including vermilion, red beetle, silver beetle started to increase in the garden.

But another picture in July. Thata Roddur in North Bengal. Such intense wildfires are rarely seen in North Bengal during the monsoons. And because of that, the hand on the head is associated with the tea garden. The situation has gone to a point where the water level in the garden has started to drop. Due to this the pump is not getting enough water. The leaves of the tea garden are getting burnt in the hot sun. The color of the leaves is gradually turning red.

Meanwhile, fast flush tea has been hit due to this freak of weather. In the current situation, at least 21 percent of tea production in Duars and 20 percent in Terai is reported to be dying. This may adversely affect the marketing and import, export market of tea as a whole.