No peace in Yassin’s punishment: claim of wife of Air Force chief killed in militant attack

Yasin Malik has been sentenced to life imprisonment. However, Shalini Khanna, the wife of the late Ravi Khanna, a squadron leader killed in the militant attack, did not find peace in his punishment. She claims her husband was shot dead in Srinagar in January 1990. And Yasin had a hand in it.

“Many may have been relieved today, but I did not,” he said. I did not find peace. I will continue to fight for the death of my husband till the last day of my life. She said she was not convicted in my husband’s case. The next hearing is on July 12 and 13. However, there is a need for severe punishment for traitors.

He is also angry with the previous government. He claimed that the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh shook hands with Yasin in 2006. He thanked Modi. Even at the age of 80, he seeks justice.

“I have been fighting for 32 years and 4 months,” he said. I am optimistic about justice. He killed my husband, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother. He ended the childhood of my children. He took away all my happiness in one second. He told Hindustan Times in 2019.