No chemotherapy needed for cancer cancer patients: AU prof and American scientist’s research | Allahabad News – Times of India

Prayagraj: Good news awaits the patients suffering from cancer as a team of 11 scientists, working in the field of cancer in the Cleveland Clinic of America and a researcher from Allahabad University, have found a way, following which chemo and radiation therapy will not be required to kill cancer cells.
The work of the team, led by Professor of Cancer Biology at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr Yang Li and assisted by Munish Pandey, of the department of Biochemistry, AU, has been published in the prestigious journal ‘Oncogene by Nature’.
The research bears significance as the work promises a treatment, using which the cancer patients will be saved from the side effects of chemo and radiation therapy. After its successful experiment on rats, efforts are now being intensified to apply it on the human body.
“The study may give relief to cancer patient who undergo chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses radiation and other drugs which has many side effects and evoke immune system that causes severe pain and allergic reaction. The team has earlier developed knockout mice for miR-21 and same was published in PNAS journal. MicroRNA-21 (small non-coding RNA) is one of the most abundant microRNAs in mammalian cells that regulates apoptosis (programme cell death) and oncogenic effects,” explains Pandey.
According to Pandey, assistant professor at Department of Biochemistry, AU, “I have worked along with the American scientists and invented an alternative to chemotherapy and drugs in the treatment of cancer, which damage normal cells, along with cancer cells during cancer treatment. This successful experiment was done by a team of 11 scientists in the Cleveland Clinic of America, Dr Yang Li. Our team, while experimenting on mice, injected its anti-sense into mice to make miR-21 ineffective.”
After this, it was found that the tumor formed in the body of the rat gradually became smaller. Some tumors have disappeared completely. This experiment went on for a year in America. However, it has not yet been used on the human body. After getting the success of the experiment on the first step, now the effort has been intensified to apply it on the human body, says Pandey.
The expert further told that due to the disease of cancer, tumors are formed in the body. These tumors are eliminated through chemotherapy and drugs. In this process of treatment, along with cancer cells, normal cells are also damaged and has a negative effect on the body. The patient also suffers a lot. During research, the team found that microRNA i.e miR-21 kills normal cells. This makes cancer cells more effective.
The group is further working on other programmed cell death mechanisms, microRNAs and Chemeric Antigen T Cell therapy (CAR-T) to tackle carcinogenicity in mice model.
