Neither Minister nor CM Chandrashekhar became Prime Minister directly: When he joined Congress, he told Indira – I have joined the party to break the party

Baliya2 hours agoAuthor: Rajesh Sahu

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Year 1991… Two people were seen drinking tea outside Rajiv Gandhi’s house at 10 Janpath, Delhi. Both of them were constables of Haryana CID. The Congress alleged that Prime Minister Chandrashekhar was spying on Rajiv Gandhi. On March 6, the Congress created a ruckus in the House. Chandrashekhar stood up on his seat and went home announcing his resignation from the post of PM.

Chandrashekhar was of such a clean temperament. He did whatever came to his mind. Sometimes when he thought of opening a hotel, he started looking for ideas by buying a book for Rs.

Today is the death anniversary of former Prime Minister Chandrashekhar. He was never a minister in any government, nor the chief minister of any state, he directly became the prime minister. There are some such stories of his life which people cannot believe when they hear them. Let’s know those stories today…

Came to university to study, then returned to Ballia to become a leader
At the age of 21, Chandrashekhar came to study at Allahabad University in 1948 from Ibrahim Patti village of Ballia. Now Allahabad has become Prayagraj. Satish Chandra College was opened in Ballia when Chandrashekhar was coming here from Ballia. His friend Gaurishankar Rai took admission in BA there. Gaurishankar told Chandrashekhar, “If you want to take full part in politics, then come back to Ballia.” Chandrasekhar liked the talk so he went back.

Chandrashekhar was one of the clear speaking leaders.  This is the reason that the youth liked him the most at that time.

Chandrashekhar was one of the clear speaking leaders. This is the reason that the youth liked him the most at that time.

In Rambahadur Rai’s book ‘Rahbari Ke Sawal’, Chandrashekhar explains, in 1951 we again reached Allahabad University to do MA in Political Science. Made Hindu hostel a place. Initially there was some problem, but soon they got used to the atmosphere there. In the same year he joined the Socialist Party and started working for socialism.

Wanted good earning so wanted to open hotel
Chandrashekhar’s mind was not engaged in studies. He decided that now he has to do politics full time. Money was also needed for politics, so he made up his mind to open a hotel. The idea of ​​opening a hotel came to him after seeing Vishwanath Tiwari of Ballia. Vishwanath was a clerk in the District Board. Hotel was opened in Civil Lines area. It used to run well because of the agitating leaders.

Chandrashekhar came out of Hindu Hostel and was walking in the Katra market when he came across the book “How to Run a Small Hotel” written by Ken Parker on the roadside. The price was three rupees, so Chandrashekhar bought it. Reached the hostel and started studying. Chandrasekhar explains, “The book was very interesting. However, after reading it, it was found that to open a small hotel, one million dollars is required. At that time it was equal to 10 lakh rupees. There was not much money, so the intention of opening the hotel was abandoned. “

The biggest challenge he faced while studying at Allahabad University was about food.  That's why he was planning to open a hotel.

The biggest challenge he faced while studying at Allahabad University was about food. That’s why he was planning to open a hotel.

  • After being in the Praja Socialist Party till 1964, he left the party and joined the Congress. The story of joining Congress was very interesting.

Told Indira, I have come to the party to break the Congress
In 1964, Chandrashekhar left the Praja Socialist Party. He was a Rajya Sabha MP then. Reached Gujarat to join Congress. There a meeting was held in Mahula area. Met Indira Gandhi for the first time on that stage. A person on the stage said to Indira ji, “This is Chandrashekhar.” Indira replied – “Heard the name a lot.” Chandrashekhar said- “I had also heard your name a lot, but never got the opportunity to meet.” Both of them gave their respective speeches on the stage and after finishing the program went home. In those days Congress leaders used to gather at Mahua every evening. One day Chandrashekhar also reached.

In his autobiography ‘Jeevan Jaisa Jiya’, Chandrashekhar writes – Apart from Indira Gandhi, Indra Kumar Gujral, Ashok Mehta, Gurupadaswami were present there. Everyone was sitting in the lawn, when Indira Gandhi asked me, “Do you consider the Congress socialist?” I replied, “I do not believe that the Congress is a socialist organization, but people believe so.”

Indira asked, “Then why did you join the Congress?”

“Do you want to know the correct answer?”

“Yeah, that’s what I want.”

Whenever Chandrasekhar met Indira Gandhi, people used to make new equations.

Whenever Chandrasekhar met Indira Gandhi, people used to make new equations.

Chandrashekhar said, “I worked in the Praja Socialist Party for 13 years with honesty and full potential. After working for a long time, I came to know that the party has become frustrated. Now nothing is going to happen here. Then I thought that Congress is big. It’s a party, let’s do something in it.”

Indira again asked, “What do you want to do?” Chandrasekhar replied, “I will try to make the Congress socialist.” Indira said – “If not made?”

Chandrasekhar gave a surprising answer. He said, “I will try to break the Congress, because until it is not broken, no new politics will come in the country. First of all, I will try to make it socialist, but if it cannot be made then there will be no way left except to break it.” ” Indira was surprised to hear Chandrashekhar’s reply. She didn’t say anything just kept watching.

Chandrasekhar feels that there is always a serious discussion in the House
When Chandrashekhar became an MP for the first time, he was eager to know every activity happening inside the house. He used to think that when MPs used to meet, they would always discuss serious issues. But within three months, he went to the house of many MPs, but his illusion was broken by the discussion that took place there.

Chandrasekhar says, “The MPs laid more emphasis on the beauty of the house. The color of the wall and the sofa used to match. The curtains were also used in such a way that it did not look different. No issue was discussed during the party. Once I said that there is no other subject in front of you? Is this the aim in life? Art and beauty have their own importance, but is politics what it is? Actually it has no importance in the land I came from Was.”

Chandrashekhar had such an image among the leaders of other parties that everyone respected him.

Chandrashekhar had such an image among the leaders of other parties that everyone respected him.

  • Now let’s talk about Chandrashekhar becoming PM and government falling…

Year 1989. Was one of the most discussed year of Indian politics. Lok Sabha elections were held, but no party got majority. Congress became the single largest party with 207 seats but could not form the government. The Janata Dal, which won 143 seats, was supported by the BJP with 85 seats and the Left parties with 52 seats, and formed the Janata Dal government. Vishwanath Pratap Singh became the PM. When the chariot of LK Advani was stopped, the BJP withdrew its support and the government fell. The Janata Dal also broke up.

Rajiv called Chandrashekhar at 11 pm for the new government
Chandrashekhar writes in his autobiography Jeevan Jaisa Jiya, “We didn’t talk to Rajiv before. But after the fall of the government, it was decided where to meet. First at Rajesh Pilot’s house, then at Buta Singh’s house, then at Sitaram Kesari.” There was talk of meeting at K’s house but the meeting could not happen.

One day at 11 o’clock in the night, Romesh Bhandari called Chandrashekhar and said, “Can you come to my house to have coffee at this time?” Chandrashekhar understood the meaning of drinking coffee so late in the night. Rajiv said, “The condition of the country is very bad. Riots are happening. Some solution has to be found.” Chandrashekhar nodded in yes.

After the meeting at Romesh Bhandari’s house, Chandrashekhar and Rajeev met at RK Dhawan’s house. Here Rajiv told Chandrashekhar, conducting elections at this time is not in the interest of the country. You form the government, we will support you.

Chandrashekhar backed out at first, but agreed on Rajiv’s repeated request and became the 9th Prime Minister of the country on 10 November 1991. The special thing is that Congress MPs did not become ministers in this government. Tau Devilal was the most special of Chandrashekhar at that time.

This picture is from the time when Chandrashekhar became the Prime Minister.

This picture is from the time when Chandrashekhar became the Prime Minister.

Chandrashekhar gave exemption to officers as soon as he became PM
When Chandrashekhar became the Prime Minister, he gave freedom to the officers to take decisions on the basis of their understanding. He said in the meetings of the departments, “Don’t come to me with files on small things.” Among the officers who were given exemption, there were also officers of ED and CBI. He started taking action at his level.

Chandrasekhar says, “Went to the annual function of the Border Security Force. There an officer told that there is no provision of warm coat for the jawans doing duty on the Punjab and Rajasthan border. In the cold, they do duty wearing blankets or sheets. I immediately ordered the Finance Ministry and the soldiers got the jackets the next day.”

I am not Rajiv Gandhi who changes decision thrice in a day
On the morning of 6 March 1991, Chandrashekhar learned that the Congress would boycott Parliament, accusing the government of spying on Rajiv Gandhi. When Chandrasekhar reached there, he was surprised. All the Congress MPs had boycotted the House. At that time, Devi Lal said to Chandrashekhar, “Rajiv ji is calling me, shall I go?” Chandrasekhar said, definitely go and will come after talking about your prime ministership. My days are over in this post.

After finishing his speech in the Lok Sabha, Chandrashekhar announced his resignation. The Congress MPs had no inkling that Chandrashekhar would resign on this allegation of espionage. When he reached home after resigning, Chandrashekhar received a proposal from the Congress to withdraw his resignation at night. Chandrasekhar replied, “I am not Rajiv Gandhi to change a decision thrice in a day.”

The government formed on November 10, 1990 fell within 116 days. Elections could not be held immediately, so Chandrashekhar remained the Prime Minister. Elections were held in the country, a new government was formed and after that Chandrashekhar resigned on 21st June.

Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated 75 days after Chandrashekhar’s resignation. On 21 May 1991, Rajiv Gandhi went to Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu to address an election meeting. There a woman of LTTE reached Rajiv by tying a bomb in her body and it got blasted. Rajiv is no more. What happened in the espionage case after this murder? Who turned out to be guilty? Was it really espionage or not! Things like that also got buried.

Here the words of former PM Chandrashekhar are fulfilled. There are other stories too. You can read here:

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