Need for balance in India-China relations: Jaishankar said – For the last three years, we are facing very complex challenges on the border

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  • S Jaishankar China | India China Relationship And Border Areas Challenges

New DelhiOne hour ago

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Foreign Minister said- Unilateral efforts are not enough to change the current situation. There is a need for balance in the relations between the two countries.

Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar said- India has been facing very complex challenges on the border area with China for the last three years. Unilateral efforts are not enough to change the current situation. There is a need for balance in the relations between the two countries. Only then the conditions will become normal.

Jaishankar said this on Monday after a meeting with UK Foreign Minister Tariq Ahmed. Several issues including Free Trade Agreement, Indo-Pacific and G20 were discussed in the meeting.

Jaishankar had said – we are not afraid of China

In February this year, S.  Jaishankar gave an interview to ANI.  This picture is from that interview.

In February this year, S. Jaishankar gave an interview to ANI. This picture is from that interview.

In an interview given to news agency ANI in February this year, Jaishankar while answering the questions of Rahul Gandhi and Congress on the issue of China said – We are accused that we are afraid of China, we do not even mention its name. Let me tell you that we are not afraid of China. If we were afraid, then who sent the Indian Army to the China border? This army was not sent by Rahul Gandhi, it was sent by Narendra Modi.

Congress and opposition parties allege that China is building a bridge near Pangong Lake in Ladakh. Let me tell you that this area is under illegal occupation of China since 1962. At present, the biggest peace time deployment in the history of India is deployed on the China border. And please note this… I said China… CHINA….

Chinese army has been standing since the skirmish in Ladakh

Jaishankar has already accepted that relations with China are not good.

Jaishankar has already accepted that relations with China are not good.

Even in August last year, Jaishankar had admitted that India’s relations with China were not good. He had said- Even after the skirmish in Ladakh, the Chinese army is standing in the border areas. If China breaks the peace, it will affect the relations between the two countries.

India is firm on its stand. We have had 15 rounds of talks at the commander level. The two sides have made some significant progress in retreating from places where they are very close, but there are still places where they have not retreated.

Jaishankar said- I said in 2020 and 2021 and am also saying in 2022 that our relations are not normal. If the situation on the border is not normal then relations cannot remain normal and the situation on the border is not normal yet.

He had said that the situation at the border remains a major problem as the army has been stationed there for the past two winters. It’s a very tense situation and it could be a dangerous situation, so we’re in talks.

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