NCERT conducts mental health survey on children: Study, exam and results for 81% children due to anxiety

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73% of children from class 6th to 12th in the country are satisfied with school life. At the same time, there are 33% of children who feel pressure most of the time. According to the NCERT Mental Health Survey report released on Tuesday, 29% of students lack focus, while 43% do not feel like studying.

The emphasis was on online learning during and after the corona pandemic. The survey also revealed that 51% of the children face difficulty in understanding the content in the online medium. At the same time, 28% hesitate to ask questions. 3.79 lakh students from 36 states and union territories participated in the survey.

Reasons for worrying about studies, exams and results

81% of the children surveyed consider studies, exams and results as the biggest stress. The survey shows that in general, most children expressed happiness and satisfaction with school life. At the same time, there has been a decline in the mental health of most school students in middle school.

Survey done on Teacher’s festival

The survey was launched along with several initiatives taken by the central government during the Shikshak Parv. This is the first survey conducted by the Center to assess the mental health of students in the country since the Corona pandemic. Shikshak Parv is being celebrated to honor teachers and implement National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

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