Naked demonstration of ST-SC youth in Raipur: Protesters were running naked to surround the assembly, the convoy of ministers was returning

Raipur4 hours ago

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Carrying placards on the capital’s Vidhansabha road, ST-SC youth demonstrated completely naked.

In Chhattisgarh’s capital Raipur, ST-SC youth performed completely naked on Tuesday. He has protested demanding action from the government against those doing government jobs by making fake caste certificates. The protesters came out naked to gherao the assembly, who have been arrested by the police.

Minister Rudraguru Anila Bhedia’s convoy going to attend the assembly session was passing at the same time the youths performed naked. Former Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh has termed this protest as failure of the Congress government. Let us tell you that in Chhattisgarh these days the matter of getting a government job on the basis of fake caste certificate is hot. After the formation of the state, many government departments were continuously receiving complaints that many non-reserved class people have obtained government jobs by making fake caste certificates.

Residents of Raipur were shocked to see the naked protest by the youth, the police arrived and took them all into custody.

Residents of Raipur were shocked to see the naked protest by the youth, the police arrived and took them all into custody.

After the matter caught fire, the government constituted a high-level caste investigation committee, on the basis of whose report the General Administration Department issued an order to dismiss the officers and employees working on the basis of fake caste certificates. After this order of the government, many people reached the court. Meanwhile, many of them also retired. Overall, this government order has not been followed till now. In such a situation, there are many such officers and employees who are still on the job.

Holding placards, youths protested completely naked on Vidhansabha Road.  There has been a demand to dismiss those employed with fake caste certificates.

Holding placards, youths protested completely naked on Vidhansabha Road. There has been a demand to dismiss those employed with fake caste certificates.

267 people doing jobs on the basis of fake caste certificates – protesters

In this matter, the youth belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes opened a front against them. He has demanded immediate dismissal of those employed on the basis of fake certificates. The protesters allege that on the basis of fake cast certificates, about 267 people are holding government posts. The order to dismiss them was issued 3 years ago, but they are still working. There was no action of dismissal against them. The youth said that they have protested many times regarding this matter, have even gone on fast unto death, but the state government is not taking any action against the fake employees. The protesters also raised slogans against the Chief Minister and the state government.

For a few days, youths were protesting and protesting

A few days back, these youths had sat on a dharna. The health of many people had also deteriorated during the demonstration. Scheduled Caste Tribe youth leader Vinay Kaushal, who participated in the naked demonstration on Tuesday, told that he had been discussing with the authorities for a long time to take action on the order. When he spoke to the officials, he said that there was pressure from above. He was also warned of naked demonstration by our organization. Today we are doing the work of waking up the government from sleep by performing naked.

Police arrested the protesters on the way and took them in a car, the police kept running and catching the protesters.

Police arrested the protesters on the way and took them in a car, the police kept running and catching the protesters.

Vinay said that we are publicly auctioning our respect for our rights and legitimate rights. He said that this indifferent attitude of the government is not right. Seeing the naked performance of the youth here, the passers-by were also surprised and their eyes bowed down in shame.

Government constituted committee found 267 cases fake

The Chhattisgarh government had constituted a high-level caste scrutiny committee to investigate complaints of fake caste certificates. The committee received a total of 758 cases from the year 2000 to 2020, out of which 659 were investigated. In this, caste certificates were found fake in 267 cases. Cases of fake caste certificates have been found in almost all government departments. In this, the maximum number of cases are 44 in the Sports and Youth Welfare Department, 18 in the Bhilai Steel Plant and 14 each in the General Administration Department and Agriculture Department.

In this way, ST-SC youths protested naked on Vidhansabha Road.

In this way, ST-SC youths protested naked on Vidhansabha Road.

Former CM Raman Singh told the incident shameful

In this way, there are cases of fake caste certificates in every department, for which no action has been taken even after completion of investigation and government orders for action. Here, on the completely naked demonstration of the youth against the Congress government till the assembly, former Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh said that it is a shameful incident for Chhattisgarh. The anger against the government has reached its peak level. It has been almost 5 years since the Congress government was formed, there were irregularities, so why didn’t they fix it. How long will the Congress government continue to chant its own tune? Today’s scene is sad and proof of massive failure of the government.

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