nadella: Digital Tech Is A Powerful Deflationary Force: Nadella | Bengaluru News – Times of India

BENGALURU: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that digital technology is a powerful deflationary force in an inflationary economy because of the enormous increases in productivity it brings. “Fundamentally, we’re moving from a mobile and cloud era to an era of ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence, an era that will experience more digitisation over the next 10 years than the last 40,” he said at Microsoft’s leadership forum Future Ready held on Tuesday.
Nadella said a digital business requires the firm to have the best multi-cloud multi-edge infrastructure. “Going forward, every organisation will need a more distributed, more intelligent, more autonomous computing fabric, one that they can use to rapidly build, manage, and deploy applications anywhere. And they will need new tools that bring together both professional developers and domain experts,” he said.
Computing, he said, is becoming distributed and embedded in the real world. “The percentage of industrial control systems that will include analytics and AI inference capabilities at the edge will increase by six-fold in the next four years,” he said.
Nadella spoke about the metaverse and how Microsoft is describing it both in terms of a new platform and a new application type, similar to how it talked about the Web and websites in the early 1990s. “Across the Microsoft Cloud, from Azure IoT to Azure Digital Twins to Connected Spaces and Microsoft Mesh, we’re building the metaverse intrinsic, the metaverse platform for you to build upon. In a sense, the metaverse enables us to embed computing into the real world and to embed the real world into computing, bringing real presence to any digital space,” he said.
Nadella also shared his thoughts on the new world of hybrid work. “We are seeing a change in how we work when we work and where our work gets done. More and more people are also asking that very fundamental question, why we work. This leads to two challenges that what we call the hybrid paradox and the great reshuffle. 70% of the employees want more flexible remote work options, and about the same number also say that they want more in-person connections. 58% of the people who expect to spend most and the least time in the office tell us they plan to do so for the very same reason, more focused work,” he said.
Microsoft India president Anant Maheshwari said a digitally native customer is a trendline that will reshape all industries. “It is estimated that India’s consumer digital economy which was pegged at a sizable $85-90 billion in the calendar year 2020, is now expected to become 10 times more to become an $800 billion market by 2030,” he said.
Maheshwari said India’s unique strength is its large developer population. “Every company is digital and that is powered by software that is created by this ecosystem…Rapidly adding to it now is the low-code / no-code platforms that are democratising digital asset creation. With the power of India’s large young population that is natively connected and mobile, India can scale the creation of digital assets without necessarily knowing how to code software,” he said.
