Nadda could not save the fort of Minister Virendra: Defeat in Kutlehar after 32 years, Devendra Kumar Bhutto of Congress made a dent

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  • Una News, Himachal Assembly Election 2022, Virender Kanwar (BJP), Devender Kumar Bhutto (Congress), JP Nadda

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Newly elected Congress MLA Devendra Kumar Bhutto showing the victory sign after winning from Kutlehar.

The election result on the Kutlehar assembly seat located in Una, Himachal has been shocking. Here Devendra Kumar Bhutto of Congress defeated BJP candidate and Rural Development Minister Virendra Kanwar in a big upset. With this victory, the drought of Congress defeat in Kutlehar also ended. After almost 32 years, Congress has got victory in Kutlehar.

On this seat, BJP got overpowered by enthusiasm. Many party officials also betrayed at the last moment. Which became the basis of victory for Congress. On the other hand, Congress’s Devendra Kumar Bhutto took an aggressive stand against Rural Development Minister Virendra Kanwar in the election campaign. Most of the Congress leaders were successful in taking them along in the campaign. Which benefited them.

Bhutto got the benefit of public meetings of top leadership
Former Union Minister Sachin Pilot, Leader of Opposition Mukesh Agnihotri, Congress Working President Rajendra Rana and Vikramaditya Singh held public meetings in his support. His Congress candidate got the benefit. On the other hand, Rural Development Minister Virendra Kanwar tried to capitalize on the development done in Kutlehar in 5 years.

Failed to convert crowd gathered in public meetings into vote bank
In his favor, BJP National President JP Nadda, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur, former CM Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Himachal BJP in-charge Avinash Rai Khanna also made election public appearances. Virendra Kanwar failed to convert the crowd gathered in them into vote bank.

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