Murshidabad: Husband cut his wife’s hair and shaved her after giving birth to a daughter

Recently, being the third daughter, the father strangled her to death in one day. This time another picture of barbarism came to the fore. The husband was accused of cutting off his wife’s hair and shaving her after giving birth to a daughter. The incident took place at Hariharpara in Murshidabad. Police have arrested the accused husband.

According to police sources, the incident took place on Thursday in Salua village of Hariharpara in Murshidabad. Her husband Abdullah Sheikh beat her severely for giving birth to a female daughter named Rakia Bibi. This is not the end. Rakiya was then shot in the head and stripped naked. While Abdullah is torturing his wife, Rakia’s father-in-law and mother-in-law watched the whole scene. Rakia had a daughter three months ago. From then on, the level of oppression on Rakiya began to increase. The baby girl was also threatened with death. Rakiya continues to be tortured in various ways.

On that day, Rakia approached the police to protest against her husband’s mental torture. She was heard shouting in front of the police station, ‘I want my husband to be severely punished. I don’t want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. ‘ But could not escape. Police arrested him. The police are investigating the whole matter.