Mumbai: Woman Gang-raped by 3 Men at Home; Cigarette Burns Found on Her Private Parts

Last Updated: December 04, 2022, 16:28 IST

After being threatened by the men to not approach the police, the woman narrated her ordeal to neighbours (Source: Shutterstock)

The trio has been charged under Indian Penal Code sections 376 (rape), 376D (gang rape), 377 (unnatural sex), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon) and other offences

In a horrifying case from Mumbai, three men barged into a woman’s home and gang-raped her. According to media reports, the accused men lived in the same locality, filmed the whole incident and later threatened the woman they would circulate it if she approached the Police.

The woman sustained cigarette burns on her private parts, and was dragged by her hair during the incident, an ANI report quoted the Police as saying. The 42-year-old woman was attacked her with a sharp weapon, and the incident took place in Kurla in the early hours of Wednesday.

“The accused raped her one by one and also performed unnatural sex. They singed her private parts with cigarettes and attacked her with a sharp weapon on the chest and both arms. One of the accused videoed the incident and threatened to circulate it if she approached police,” a PTI report quoted the police official as saying.

After being threatened by the men to not approach the police, the woman narrated her ordeal to neighbours. They got in touch with an NGO and an FIR was registered, the Kurla police station official said.

The trio has been charged under Indian Penal Code sections 376 (rape), 376D (gang rape), 377 (unnatural sex), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon) and other offences and efforts were on to nab them.

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