Mumbai Airport: On Cam, GoAir Passengers Create Ruckus After Flights Get Cancelled

Enraged by sudden flight cancellations, GoAir passengers protest at Mumbai airport. (Video grab)

The incident took place on Wednesday when passengers, scheduled to travel to Goa from Mumbai on a GoAir aircraft, were informed by the staff ten minutes before the scheduled take off that the flight had been cancelled

An uproar was witnessed at Mumbai airport after two to three GoAir flights were cancelled without prior information, triggering passengers who were seen arguing with ground staff and later held a sit-in protest.

The incident took place on Wednesday when passengers, scheduled to travel to Goa from Mumbai on a GoAir aircraft, were informed by the staff ten minutes before the scheduled take off that the flight had been cancelled.

Videos shot by the passengers showed them screaming at the staff in agitation. A man was heard saying, “sir, jhooth mat bolo aap”, indicating that the airline workers may have had the information in advance but the passengers were informed at the last moment.

A report by Times Now stated that after the ruckus, another flight was arranged by GoAir for the passengers at 6:30 am.

(details to follow)

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