Ms Marvel Episode 4: Who is Waleed, Red Dagger? Farhan Akhtar’s MCU debut leaves fans with questions

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Ms Marvel episode 4 has been released

Farhan Akhtar’s MCU debut as Waleed in Ms Marvel episode 4 was not something that fans would expect but it was nothing short of a surprise. His character Waleed was the star attraction of the show and a much-anticipated cameo done right. It is a high-flying and action-driven role much worthy of his looks. He carries a long beard and long hair with great weight and you can’t take your eyes off him.

Setting of Ms Marvel shifts from US

Ms Marvel latest episode happens in Pakistan. Kamala and her mother Muneeba have travelled to Karachi to meet the ailing mother. Kamala is on her secret mission to discover the truth about the bangle that is the source of her superpowers. In the action-packed episode, Kamala seems in sync with her powers as she navigates the perils abroad on her own. The relationship between Muneeba and Kamala is also building up well and it reflected well the values of the Pakistani society that has struggled to keep the family together. Kamala’s connection with Muneeba and the constant tension between them has been a major driver.

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Who is Waleed aka Farhan Akhtar?

The build-up for Farhan’s debut in MCU began in 2021 when the news surfaced that he has shot for his cameo role in Ms Marvel. He remained tight-lipped about it and only now were the fan expectations met. It is a matter of pride for those online to see a Hindi film industry actor get a mainstream role in Hollywood’s major production. With Ms Marvel, MCU is scripting a new chapter in family entertainment which is the core of television in US and abroad.

The tempo builds up in just the right manner. The Clandestine break off from captivity and go after Kamala. The Red Dagger, Waleed and Kamala come together in a great chase sequence set in the lanes of bazaar as they fight off threats. The show embraced the setting by introducing trucks and e-rickshaw chase sequences with the characters on narrow streets.

Waleed talks about the Red Dagger. They are a group of heroes without superpowers fighting crime in the night. This hero wears a scarf and mask to hide his face while taking down villains with a set of red throwing knives.

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Fans were however upset about the fate of Waleed in Ms Marvel and took to social media to express anguish. But it’s debatable whether the character had its most natural arc or not. Many memes were hared relating to the screentime for Farhan’s character Waleed but in true essence, it does bring together the show while delivering a top-notch viewing experience.