MP Board Class 10 Time Table 2025
Here is the timetable for the MP Board Class 10 exams:
February 27, 2025: Hindi (9 am to 12 noon)
February 28, 2025: Urdu (9 am to 12 noon)
March 1, 2025: NSQF (National Skills Qualification Framework) (9 am to 12 noon)
March 3, 2025: English (9 am to 12 noon)
March 5, 2025: Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Sindhi (for Deaf & Dumb Students), Painting, Gayan Vadan, Tabla Pakhavaj, Computer (9 am to 12 noon)
March 6, 2025: Sanskrit (9 am to 12 noon)
March 10, 2025: Mathematics (9 am to 12 noon)
March 13, 2025: Social Science (9 am to 12 noon)
March 19, 2025: Science (9 am to 12 noon)
MP Board Class 12 Time Table 2025
Here is the timetable for the MP Board Class 12 exams:
February 25, 2025: Hindi (Including Vocational Students)
February 28, 2025: English (Including Vocational Students)
March 1, 2025: Urdu, Marathi
March 4, 2025: Physics, Economics, Animal Husbandry, Milk Trade, Poultry Farming and Fishery, Elements of Science, History of Indian Art
March 5, 2025: Biotechnology, Indian Music (Gayan Vadan, Tabla Pakhavaj)
March 6, 2025: Drawing and Designing
March 7, 2025: Geography, Crop Production and Horticulture, Still Life & Design, Anatomy, Physiology and Health
March 8, 2025: Biology
March 10, 2025: Psychology
March 11, 2025: Informatics Practices
March 12, 2025: Sanskrit
March 17, 2025: History, Chemistry, Business Studies, Elements of Science and Maths useful for Agriculture, Drawing and Painting, Home Management, Nutrition, and Textile
March 19, 2025: NSQF – All Subjects, Physical Education
March 20, 2025: Sociology
March 22, 2025: Agriculture (Humanities Group), Home Science (Art Group), Bookkeeping and Accountancy
March 24, 2025: Political Science
March 25, 2025: Mathematics
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