‘Most Difficult Part Was Responding To Elon Musk’- Madan Gowri On His Viral Chat With Musk

Madan Gowri is almost a household name in the South and despite being someone who doesn’t hail from the mainstream medium of entertainment, has an unprecedented following. With over 9.2 million followers across social media, his ability to win the audience with his flair for explaining complex subjects in simpler ways has gained him a strong foothold in the digital space. His informative videos on topics range from current trends in science, philosophy, politics, humanitarian issues, history and so on. 

Born in a modest household, Madan was raised in humbling circumstances for most part of his life. His father was an NGO employee while his mother worked as a government employee. Owing to the transferable nature of his mother’s job, he has had the opportunity to explore a lot of places as he grew up and thus, developed a keen eye for details and stories that are often not explored. These stories have in turn found form and shape in his videos.

In a candid conversation with ABP Live, Madan Gowri shared the reason behind his choice of topics, chat with Elon Musk and talked about the infamous Swathi Murder Case on which his video got over 50K+ eyeballs within just 24 hours of release. 

Here are some excerpts from the interview:

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to start creating content on YouTube?

I always wanted to be popular as a kid. I manifested things back then that still feel too good to be true. And honestly, I had the courage to begin with content creation when I was going through a really bad breakup. But what truly keeps me going is the acceptance from my MG Squad. I make sure to shoot one video, edit it myself, and upload- every day!

Your videos range from topics like current trends in science, philosophy, to politics, humanitarian issues, history, and so on. What draws you towards all this?

We are all surrounded by diversity and wonderful things. However, everything happens for a reason! So I learn new reasons every day! For me, when I pick something that is intriguing, I educate my squad because I strongly believe that knowledge is a powerful tool that can empower people.

Many of your videos involve in-depth research and analysis. Could you share some of the challenges you face while creating such content and how you overcome them?

Research is time-consuming, and time management is crucial when one video goes live every day. The process is interesting and disheartening, especially when it hits a dead end. One of the major challenges is ensuring the accuracy of the information. To overcome this, I rely on reputable sources and fact-check every detail. Addressing sensitive topics, particularly those related to social justice, does get complex. I approach them by sharing my perspective and my personal ideology while always being mindful of the diverse perspectives that exist.

Your videos often explore societal issues and current events. How do you maintain a balanced and unbiased perspective in your content?

I present facts objectively, and when I express opinions, I clearly label them as such. I wholeheartedly encourage healthy discussions and respect for differing opinions, as it’s only natural that people have diverse views on these issues. I regularly read the comments on my videos to understand how my Squad perceives the content.

Can you share some memorable experiences or interactions you’ve had with your viewers or fans that have impacted you personally or professionally?

When I started, I was struggling to maintain consistency in my uploads. I received a message from a dedicated viewer who had been regularly watching my content. He told me that on the days when I didn’t post a video, his day felt incomplete. This message was a turning point for me, a source of inspiration that made me commit to content creation.

What makes this experience even more remarkable is that this viewer was just a schoolboy at the time. Today, he’s a pilot!

How has your journey as a content creator influenced your personal growth and perspective on various issues?

Creating content has consistently taken me out of my comfort zone, whether it’s speaking to a camera or meeting new people. It’s been an ongoing journey of learning and self-discovery, all while carrying the invisible weight of responsibility- knowing that the content I create can impact people’s lives and perspectives.

How do you handle criticism and negative feedback on social media, and what advice would you give to others facing similar challenges?

I see criticism as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. My advice to others is to embrace criticism as a chance to evolve. Don’t allow negativity to deter you from your creative journey. Instead, surround yourself with a supportive community and remain focused on your passion.

Can you share any exciting projects or collaborations you have in the pipeline for your audience to look forward to?

Our channel has always been committed to educating and empowering our audience. Recently, we’ve ventured into the world of podcasts. The aim is to provide guidance and direction that enriches their journey with the knowledge shared. To name a few guests, Kanimozhi Karunanidhi ma’am, Gautham Karthik, and Bharathi Raja sir have been a part of our podcasting journey.

Can you share something about your video on the infamous Swathi Murder Case? What made you share something like that and talk about it?

Seven years ago, while I was studying in the US, I came across this distressing incident where a woman was murdered in broad daylight. My inability to take any direct action left me feeling deeply unsettled. As a response, I decided to create a YouTube video addressing this issue. My intention was to raise awareness and advocate for women’s safety.

Can you share something about the viral conversation that you had with Elon Musk on Twitter to bring Tesla production to India?

It was totally unexpected, and I didn’t know this would go viral throughout the country. I was watching a video about a new model Tesla car, and I thought, why don’t we have this car in India? So I casually tweeted to him, mentioning that he should launch Tesla in India. I was with my friends, and my phone was silent. When I looked at it after an hour, there were a lot of notifications and missed calls, and one among them was ‘Elon Musk has replied to you’. I was surprised. In fact, I saw the notification an hour after receiving the reply. And at that, he replied again. The most difficult part was responding to Elon Musk’s reply. 

Tell us more about your podcast series ‘MGx’ and what is your vision behind the same.

The MGx idea is to educate, entertain, inform, inspire, and engage our audience by bringing guests from various industries. 

You have become a household name in the South India and also a face of South internationally. Do you think it is time for regional creators to get the same fame, power and remuneration that strengthens their power to represent?

It is indeed essential! Regional creators represent diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives. Their audience is never limited to the regional language. As digital platforms continue to evolve with an increase in demand, there are quick and easy strategies that can empower creators to connect with a global audience.