Morning News Brief: India’s supersonic missile fell in Pakistan, created a stir, Mamta extended her hand to Congress for 2024

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10 hours agoWriter: Ajit Panwar, News Brief Editor

Hello, Russian missiles continued to cause havoc even on the 16th day of the war in Ukraine. A missile also fell in our neighbor Pakistan. This missile launched from India did not cause havoc, but it did create a stir in both the countries. On the other hand, the very next day after the victory of 4 states, PM Modi started Mission Gujarat. Read the big news of the country and the world in just 5 minutes in the Morning News Brief…

First of all today’s major events, which will be seen

  1. India and West Indies will compete in the Women’s World Cup from 6.30 am.
  2. India-Sri Lanka Pink Ball Test in Bangalore, 100% fans will get entry.
  3. PM Modi will attend the convocation ceremony of National Defense University at 11 am.

5 big news that will keep you updated
1. Russia’s attacks continue, 2.5 million people left Ukraine after the war

On the 16th day of the Ukrainian war, Russian forces conducted air strikes in Kharkiv and Chernihiv. A military airbase was also bombed. Meanwhile, the Putin government banned Instagram and WhatsApp. Facebook-Twitter is already banned in Russia. Meanwhile, the UN said that more than 2.5 million people have left Ukraine because of the war. At the same time, America has announced new sanctions on Russia.
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2. Missile launched from India fell in Pakistan, orders of Court of Inquiry
On the evening of 9 March, a missile was launched from Sirsa, India and covered 124 km. Far away, he fell in the Mian Channu area of ​​Pakistan. The missile took just 3 minutes to reach Pakistan from India. The Pakistani army said that there was no weapon in it, so there was no destruction. Only a few houses were damaged. India has ordered a Court of Inquiry calling it an accidental firing.
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3. Term-II exams of 10th and 12th will start from April 26, datesheet released
CBSE’s 10th and 12th term-II exams will be held from April 26. This time the exam will be held in a single shift and the paper will start from 10:30 am. The 10th exams will end on 24th May and 12th on 15th June. Students will be given 15 minutes extra time to read the paper. Apart from India, CBSE will conduct examinations in 26 more countries.
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4. Paytm with 6 crore accounts Payments Bank ban on adding new customers
RBI has banned the addition of new customers of Paytm Payments Bank. paytm bank will have to appoint a firm for its IT system audit. After seeing its report, RBI will take further decision. According to Paytm, it has more than 30 crore wallets and 60 million bank accounts. It did more than 92.6 crore UPI transactions in December.
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5. After the victory in UP, PM Modi’s mission Gujarat started, took the blessings of his mother

PM Modi reached Gujarat the next day after a big victory in 4 states including UP. Late in the evening he went to his house and met mother Heeraben. Earlier, he took out a road show of about 10 km from Ahmedabad airport to the state BJP office ‘Kamalam’. This is the first time after the Corona period, that Modi attended a major public event in Gujarat.
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Some important news in the headline…

  1. India has a chance to win 15th consecutive series at home, Rohit will play 400th match (read full news)
  2. Army’s Cheetah helicopter crashes in Gurez near LOC, one pilot killed, another injured (read full news)
  3. Police jawan dies 24 hours after hair transplant in Bihar, to be married on May 11 (read full news)

News but something different…
Comedy King becomes King of Punjab, Bhagwant Mann will become CM after just 11 years of politics
11 years in politics is not a lot. Not at all to become CM. However, Bhagwant Mann is going to draw a bigger line. Mann, who once played the role of a comedian on the college stages, is about to become the Chief Minister of Punjab. Bhagwant Mann, who became an overnight star with ‘Kulfi Garma-Garam’, will now be the biggest face of Punjab’s politics. read their Full Story..

From a cartoonist’s point of view…

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The photo which is news in itself…

Holi celebrations have started in Mathura’s Barsana. Gulal is flying in Radhanagari. Thousands of people have come from all over the country and abroad to see it. The celebration of Holi in Braj starts long back. During this, Laddu Holi, Lathmar Holi and Flowers Holi take place. The world famous Lathmar Holi was played on Friday.

what happened today in history
On this day in 1993, there were blasts at 13 places including the stock exchange in Mumbai. In this, 257 people died and more than 700 were injured. The first blast took place at 1:30 pm in the basement of the 28-storey building of the Bombay Stock Exchange, in which around 50 people were killed. On 19 November 1993, the investigation of the blast was given to the CBI. Judgments started coming in September 2006. Of the 123 accused, 12 were sentenced to death. Out of this, only Yakub Memon was hanged in 2015. (Read today’s other events…)

Have a nice day, keep reading Dainik Bhaskar App…

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