More than 72 lakh girls in the state have received money from the Kanyashree project, the minister said

More than 72 lakh girls in the state have benefited through Kanyashree project. This was stated by Minister of State Shashi Panja in the current assembly session.

During the question and answer session in the assembly on this day, the Minister of State was asked about the number of Kanyashree recipients in the state. In this regard, the Minister for Women and Child Welfare Shashi Panja said, “Last year, the number of recipients in the Kanyashree project in the state was 72,41,071.” The Minister further said, May be given .’6

It may be mentioned that after coming to power in the state, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced the Kanyashree project on 14 August 2013. As per the announcement of the state government, girls will have to study in eighth grade to be covered under this scheme. Students in grades eight through twelve can benefit from this project. Those who are getting the benefit of this are given 1 thousand rupees annually and 25 thousand rupees at one time. The Kanyashree project has already received international recognition. In June 2016, the Kanyashree Project was awarded the Public Service Award by the United Nations.